Thymus Protein
4) A Protein From A Common Smoldering Virus Linked To Chronic Fatigue Syndrome And Depression
Main Category: Depression
Also Included In: Psychology / Psychiatry; Infectious Diseases / Bacteria / Viruses
Article Date: 24 Jun 2008 – 5:00 PDT
A study suggests that a “smoldering” central nervous system (CNS) infection may play a role in conditions that plague millions of Americans. Kazuhiro Kondo, MD, PhD, of the Jikei University Medical School in Tokyo identified a novel human herpesvirus-6 (HHV-6) protein present in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) patients but not healthy controls that may contribute to psychological symptoms often associated with that and other disorders.
“Causes of many chronic diseases are unknown and chronic viral infection is one of the most suspected candidates,” said Dr. Kondo, who spent 20 years trying to identify the latent protein responsible for chronic CNS disease and mood disorders.
Support for Dr. Kondo’s claim came from Stanford University’s Jose Montoya who announced at the same conference that the antiviral drug Valcyte, shown to be effective against HHV-6, resulted in an improvement in the cognitive functioning of CFS patients, although not a complete resolution of their fatigue. According to Dr. Kondo, drugs like Valcyte combat active replication but can’t completely control low-level smoldering. “To cure the diseases, we have to reduce the latently infected virus or prevent its reactivation,” he explains.
A Debilitating Disorder
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome is a debilitating disorder affecting one to four million Americans and causing 25 billion dollars a year in economic losses. The primary symptoms include post-exertional malaise, fatigue, difficulty concentrating, unrefreshing sleep, muscle and joint pain. High rates of depression co-occur with the disease.
Mostly striking, in working-age adults, the disease is often triggered by a flu-like episode. Efforts to find a single pathogen responsible for the disease have, however, failed and the cause of the disorder is unknown.
Novel Herpesvirus Protein is Associated with Altered Nervous System Cell Activity and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Depression
Kondo identified a novel HHV-6 protein associated with latent (non-replicating) HHV-6-infected nervous system and immune cells. Transfecting this new protein, called SITH-1 (Small Intermediate Stage Transcript of HHV-6), into nervous system cells called glial cells, resulted in greatly increased intracellular calcium levels. Increased intracellular calcium levels are believed to play an important role in psychological disorders and can contribute to cell death. Expressing the SITH protein though the use of an adenoviral vector in mouse resulted in manic-like behavior.
A serological study indicated that 71% of CFS patients with psychological symptoms and none of the health controls possessed the antibody against the SITH-1 protein (p < .0001). Further tests indicated that 53% of depression and 76% of bipolar depression patients possessed the antibody.
Traditional Viral Tests May Overlook Important Disease Causing Processes
Researchers have suspected that central nervous system infections could contribute to psychological and central nervous system disorders, and patients with CFS have a much higher than average rate of depression. This virus spreads cell-to-cell instead of releasing viral particles into the bloodstream. This has hampered efforts to demonstrate that the virus plays a role in CNS disease. “This virus persists in the brain and other tissues, but not the blood, which is where investigators have looked,” says Kristin Loomis, Executive Director of the HHV-6 Foundation. “Indeed, standard serum PCR DNA for direct evidence of the virus are useless,” she added. New ultra-sensitive assays are under development, she reports, “but currently the best way to identify patients with smoldering HHV-6 infection is to look for elevated IgG antibody titers.”
Dharam Ablashi, the co-discoverer of the HHV-6 virus, and the HHV-6 Foundation’s Scientific Director warns that the test won’t be available in the near future. “It may take years to get the assay validated and into commercial production, but will be worth the wait. This assay could identify large numbers of patients with CNS dysfunction who could benefit from antiviral treatment. The HHV-6 Foundation is working hard to help scientists like Dr. Kondo develop better assays,” says Ablashi.
The HHV-6 Foundation
The HHV-6 Foundation encourages scientific exchanges and provides grants to researchers seeking to increase our understanding of HHV-6 infection in a wide array of central nervous system disorders.
HHV-6 Foundation
Thymus Protein Treats Chronic Fatigue
People with chronic fatigue and immune dysfunction syndrome (also known as chronic fatigue syndrome or CFIDS) may improve their immune function by taking a specific protein derived from the thymus gland, according to a study in the Journal of Nutritional and Environmental Medicine (2001;11:241–7).
CFIDS is a complex illness that includes a broad spectrum of symptoms, including memory or concentration problems, sore throat, swollen lymph nodes, muscle or joint pain, and headaches or sleep disturbances. The most pronounced symptom is chronic, persistent fatigue. In many cases, the fatigue is debilitating to the point that people become unable to work. The underlying cause is unknown and there is no conventional treatment for CFIDS, other than symptomatic support. The new study on thymus protein offers new hope for those suffering from this often-incapacitating condition.
In the study, 23 people with CFIDS received 12 mcg of thymic protein A per day by mouth for three months. This treatment resulted in a significant improvement in several markers of immune function. Perhaps more importantly, the intensity and frequency of CFIDS symptoms decreased in many of the participants. Positive changes included a reduction in fatigue, better quality of sleep, less anxiety and depression, and fewer panic attacks.
The thymus is an important organ involved in regulating the immune system. In people with CFIDS, several cells of the immune system decrease in number and the ability of these cells to respond quickly to a foreign substance (such as a bacterium) is inhibited. Thymic protein A stimulates the immune system in such a way that these specific immune cells increase in number and become more biologically active making them more efficient and better functioning. It is unknown how these changes in immune function ultimately affect one’s symptoms.
The cause of CFIDS has remained a mystery, although some evidence suggests it may be linked with certain viral infections (Epstein-Barr, cytomegalovirus, and human herpes virus 6 have all been mentioned as possible agents). Other studies suggest that the condition may be related to the organisms that cause walking pneumonia or Lyme disease. However, more research is necessary to determine whether the underlying cause is an infectious agent or an abnormality of metabolism. It is possible that the cause is different in different people. Thymic protein A is commercially available in the United States and may be found in some health food stores.
Darin Ingels, ND, MT (ASCP), received his bachelor’s degree from Purdue University and his Doctorate of Naturopathic Medicine from Bastyr University in Kenmore, WA. Dr. Ingels is the author of The Natural Pharmacist: Lowering Cholesterol (Prima, 1999) and Natural Treatments for High Cholesterol (Prima, 2000). He currently is in private practice at New England Family Health Associates located in Southport, CT, where he specializes in environmental medicine and allergies. Dr. Ingels is a regular contributor to Healthnotes and Healthnotes Newswire.
Copyright © 2002 Healthnotes, Inc. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.
ProBoost for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Immune Dysfunction Syndrome
May 6, 2013 by
Proboost Thymic Protein A is an all natural supplement with similar properties to the immune regulating hormone, “thymulin.” It has been found effective for fighting infections, the common cold, flu viruses, Lyme Disease and it has been shown to have improve immune activation markers for those suffering from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) and Chronic Fatigue Immune Dysfunction Syndrome (CFIDS).
What is Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS and CFIDS)
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) is a disorder that causes extreme episodes of fatigue. CFS is a specific type of fatigue that cannot be attributed to an underlying medical condition and is not relieved by rest. It can last for long periods of time, typically more than six months, and incapacitates one’s ability to carry out ordinary daily tasks.
What are the Causes of CFS and CFIDS
The symptoms of CFS and Chronic Fatigue Immune Dysfunction Syndrome (CFIDS) are often similar to other illnesses. It is speculated by the medical community, that CFS may have its roots in one of three areas, especially among people with a predisposition to develop it once triggered (source Mayo Clinic):
• Viral infections. Some people develop chronic fatigue syndrome after a viral infection. Researchers suspect that some viruses might trigger the disorder. Suspicious viruses have included Epstein-Barr, human herpesvirus 6, Lyme disease and mouse leukemia viruses but none of them has been definitely linked.
• Immune system dysfunction. The immune systems of people who have chronic fatigue syndrome appears to be impaired. It is unclear if this impairment is enough to actually cause the disorder, or a result of it.
• Hormonal imbalances. People who have CFS also sometimes experience abnormal blood levels of hormones produced in the hypothalamus, pituitary gland or adrenal glands. Again, it is unclear if this imbalance is the cause or the effect of it.
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Symptoms
The main symptom of CFS is extreme fatigue lasting for more than 6 months and includes at least four of the following symptoms:
• Feeling ill for more extended periods
• Memory issues
• Muscle pain
• Pain in joints
• Headaches
• Sore throat
• Tender lymph nodes
• Sleep problems and not feeling rested after sleep
Unfortunately, there are no tests designed to diagnose CFS. Since there are other illnesses that produce the same type of symptoms, a doctor can rule out other ailments with testing before diagnosing Chronic Fatigue Symptom.
Not much is known about CFS and CFIDS or what is the cause. It is most common among women in their 40’s and 50’s, but it can affect anyone. What is exceedingly disturbing about CFS is that there is no cure, and it can last for years. The objective is to try to manage the symptoms by some simple changes, such as focusing on varying a few daily routines, learning some coping techniques and exercising regularly. There is medication for the pain and other problems but food sensitivities and digestive issues should not be ruled out as potential factors.
ProBoost for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
ProBoost is Thymic Protein A, a clinically proven, naturally occurring, 500-chain protein produced by the thymus gland, that may help with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS). For some users it has been very effective. There may be a connection to CFS when it is a result of a virus or an immune insufficiency. Where that is the case, then ProBoost, which builds the number of active immune T-cells, targets those specific causes. It is clinically shown that restoring diminishing Thymic Protein A (TPA) results in improved immune response.
How to Take Thymic Protein A
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) symptoms can be managed by regularly taking ProBoost. Not only will it help with CFS, Proboost enhances the body’s natural immune response to other undesirable conditions like, colds, flu, cancer and other viruses.
ProBoost Thymic Protein A is taken three times a day when used for an active condition. It comes in pre-measured packets of TPA powder and is placed under the tongue (never swallowed) where it dissolves in about three minutes. It is important that Thymic Protein A be delivered sublingually as digestive acids can break down it before it reaches the bloodstream. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome symptoms have been shown to improve after taking ProBoost over a 12 week period. Some individuals experience permanent relief, while others find a maintenance dose of 1-2 packets is needed after the initial phase.
How to Order ProBoost
ProBoost Thymic Protein A can be ordered in boxes of 30 packets and can be shipped in any quantity. It is also available for monthly auto-shipped for people using for chronic or prolonged conditions. As always, shipping is fast and free from ProBoost D
Altra teoria sull’origine microbica
Una carenza protratta di glutatione altera la produzione di ossidi di azoto (NO) e radicali di ossigeno gassosi negli immunociti ed in altre cellule dell’organismo. In queste condizioni, le cellule T-4 helper sono presenti prevalentemente sotto forma di cellule con citochine dal profilo Th2 che – dopo il contatto con le cellule B – producendo anticorpi, attivano la difesa contro batteri e tossine, ma in misura minore rispetto alle cellule T-4 helper con citochine dal profilo Th1 che, a loro volta, attivano cellule killer per attaccare con gas NO le cellule infette da funghi, virus e micobatteri.
le cellule T4 sono tra le più importanti del nostro Sist. Imm. , Romy in precedenza aveva detto che alcuni virus
producono sostanze che mimano l’azione dell’interleuchina 10 la quale inibisce le cellule T4 dal profilo Th1 che sono quelle che ci difendono dai virus,miceti,micobatteri; in pratica così avremmo il Sist. Imm. spostato più verso la difesa di batteri e tossine con pevalenza di T4 dal profilo Th2 e meno efficente nella lotta contro virus e miceti perchè verrebbero a mancare i T4 con prof. Th1.
per me questo è un ulteriore indizio a favore della causa virale ………..ma manca il nuovo virus……………
Non servirebbe un nuovo virus,basterebbe uno qualunque già attivo in precedenza nell’organismo che esce dalla latenza,che so’ anche un virus herpetico,tanto per dirne uno,ma anche altri virus valgono lo stesso,e se poi sono più di uno,allora è anche meglio.
É noto che, una volta contratto, il virus dell’herpes rimane nell’organismo per sempre, in forma latente, “rifugiato” nei gangli dorsali del sistema nervoso. Il mantenimento del virus nello stato di latenza è fortemente influenzato dalle condizioni di equilibrio o di disequilibrio del sistema immunitario.
Il controllo sul virus “silente”, e il mantenimento di questo nello stato di latenza, è esercitato da una componente specifica del sistema immunitario: si tratta dei linfociti T Helper di tipo 1 (TH1), aventi funzione di organizzare la difesa contro i virus (parassiti endocellulari obbligati) e contro altri microrganismi che si comportano in modo analogo. L’efficienza di queste cellule TH1 nei confronti del controllo del virus dell’herpes dipende dalle condizioni di equilibrio della “bilancia” immunitaria (figurativamente parlando, un “piatto” della bilancia è rappresentato dalla componente TH1, l’altro è invece costituito dai linfociti TH2, specializzati per rispondere ad “invasioni” da parte di microrganismi extracellulari e di antigeni di varia natura). La salute di un individuo, e l’assenza di manifestazioni sintomatiche, dipende dall’equilibrio esistente tra i due piatti della bilancia TH1 e TH2 e dalla prontezza di risposta, nei confronti dell’invasore, che da questo equilibrio dipende. È importante sapere che i due tipi di linfociti, TH1 e TH2, sono antagonisti, ossia producono entrambi delle sostanze (i mediatori chimici) con funzione inibitoria gli uni nei confronti degli altri. Il prevalere, ad esempio, dei TH2 comporta un abbassamento della risposta TH1 che, nel caso dell’herpes labiale, si traduce nell’incapacità di contenere efficacemente il virus in forma latente e di contrastare lo sviluppo di manifestazioni erpetiche recidivanti. L’herpes labiale ricorrente, infatti, come tutte le malattie virali, è una patologia favorita dalla diminuzione della risposta linfocitaria TH1 rispetto a quella TH2. Un fattore determinante nello spostare la bilancia immunitaria verso TH2 è rappresentato dal disequilibrio della flora batterica intestinale (disbiosi). Disbiosi significa scarsità di flora batterica intestinale benefica difensiva e sovraccrescita di microrganismi opportunistici e/o patogeni intestinali (candida, enterobatteri, ecc.) che, per la loro natura di “invasori” extracellulari, stimolano la proliferazione dei linfociti TH2, a scapito dei TH1, indebolendo ancor più le difese nei confronti dei virus erpetici. La disbiosi crea anche (ecco il legame tra herpes e intolleranze!) il presupposto per la genesi delle intolleranze alimentari: la mancanza di un’adeguata protezione microbica della mucosa intestinale, e la conseguente proliferazione dei patogeni, innesca infatti il progressivo logorio dell’integrità microbica ed anatomica della barriera filtrante selettiva intestinale, consentendo l’ingresso nell’organismo di macromolecole indigerite e di tossine (coloranti, conservanti, metalli pesanti, ecc.), che, essendo antigeni extracellulari, stimolano a loro volta l’attivazione dei TH2, a scapito dei TH1. Come se ciò non bastasse, l’organismo, costantemente “avvelenato” dall’ingresso di antigeni e tossine, entra in uno stato d’infiammazione cronica crescente che indebolisce ancora di più le capacità di difesa del sistema immunitario. L’organismo intossicato è sempre meno in grado di contenere il virus dell’herpes in fase latente: le recidive sono perciò sempre più frequenti. In situazioni di questo genere l’eliminazione degli alimenti cui si è intolleranti (sempre se si è riusciti a stabilire con esattezza quali essi siano) non porta alla risoluzione definitiva del problema. Il miglioramento iniziale, determinato dall’abbassamento dello stato infiammatorio cronico dell’organismo, non si mantiene nel tempo; la ragione di ciò sta nel fatto che, sino a quando la mucosa intestinale rimane compromessa, l’organismo inevitabilmente entra in contatto con le macromolecole degli alimenti utilizzati in sostituzione, sviluppando “nuove” intolleranze (ad esempio un soggetto intollerante al grano diventerà, nel giro di qualche mese, intollerante al farro e al kamut, utilizzati in alternativa). Ad un tipo di intossicazione ed infiammazione cronica dell’organismo ne fa perciò seguito un’altra, ostacolando il riequilibrio della bilancia TH1/TH2 e impedendo il contenimento del virus dell’herpes nella fase latente. In questa situazione, l’approccio nei confronti dell’herpes labiale recidivante prevede perciò necessariamente il ripristino dell’integrità anatomica e microbica della barriera intestinale, condizione indispensabile per la costruzione di un terreno individuale in grado di contrastare efficacemente le recidive.Ho scritto del virus erpetico,ma c’e ne sono a decine volendo,che è la stessa cosa.Pero’ capirai che detto così,le cause sono sempre più di una,centrano i virus,ma anche l’intestino ecc.ecc.