L’osteopatia e la Fibromialgia



Si tratta di una “strana” malattia che ufficialmente viene annoverata tra i disturbi del sistema nervoso centrale e non come patologia  psicosomatica: a causa di una alterazione del sistema di comunicazione dei neurotrasmettitori, stimolazioni meccaniche di poco conto possono scatenate una dolorabilità esagerata che non esclude nessuna “nicchia” del sistema muscoloscheletrico ivi comprese le localizzazioni nocicettive del cuoio capelluto. Il perdurare di questa condizione comporta una tale difficoltà di riposare e di recuperare che si traduce ben presto in spossatezza con conseguenti attacchi di ansia e depressione in un contesto che amplifica la incapacità discernitiva e la confusione cognitiva del soggetto. Un problema di tale portata va affrontato in un’ottica multidisciplinare che tenga conto sia degli approcci energetici del sistema muscolo tendineo come l’omeopatia,l’osteopatia e ,forse,l’agopuntura,sia del contributo che l’alimentazione apporta in un senso o nell’altro allo scatenarsi dei sintomi. In generale sono auspicabili gli approcci che utilizzino tutte quelle tecniche che consentano di ridurre quella iperattività simpatica causa di alterazioni di tutta la microcircolazione periferica e centrale e di tutti gli aspetti sintomatici di cui parliamo. E’ una strana patologia perchè pur essendo inclusa tra i disturbi della neurotrasmissione centrale,si riconosce che l’evento scatenante delle manifestazioni cliniche coincide con un trauma patologico ( quando mai la consapevolezza della malattia non e’ essa stessa anche trauma pschico?) o psicofisico ( immaginate un grosso insulto al sistema craniosacrale,un incidente d’auto o una importante perdita affettiva: quali sono le differenze per le capacità adattative di un individuo?). Tale trauma rappresenta lo starter della sintomatologia ma vede nelle tecniche miorilassanti analogiche,che attivano le funzioni tipiche dell’emisfero cerebrale destro suggerendo ricordi e sensazioni, un valido approccio da cui si ottengono consistenti miglioramenti per certi pazienti. A livello osteopatico le strade da seguire saranno tutte le tecniche dolci di relax fasciale,la compressione del IV ventricolo,tecnica parasimpaticomimetica per eccellenza, e un approccio che tenda a ridurre lo stress mentale (scatenante?) e interno del paziente cercando di accoppiare gli intenti della parte cosciente con quelli quelli della parte incosciente del soggetto stesso quelli della parte incosciente del soggetto stesso. Sono varie le metodiche che consentono di ottenere risultati in questa direzione:l’effetto di esse si traduce innanzitutto in sensibili miglioramenti dell’espansione diaframmatica e nel rilasciamento miofasciale che ne consegue che è subito avvertito come un gradevole benessere somatoemozionale generale: alcuni pazienti cercano inconsapevolmente di “aiutarsi” in questo cominciando ripetutamente ed insistentemente a sbadigliare. Perciò l’interrogativo è: siamo proprio sicuri che una adeguata informazione energetica di tipo omeopatico accompagnata da opportune stimolazioni che favoriscano la visualizzazione di situazioni ed eventi positivi e propositivi per il paziente e che pertanto consentano il riequilibrio dei due emisferi attraverso il corpo calloso ne più e ne meno come due vasi comunicanti; siamo proprio sicuri,dicevo, che una tale impostazione unita e supportata dalla colonizzazione sistemica di tanti piccoli “dottorini” che agiscono localmente fin nei distretti più reconditi del microcircolo, come solo certi funghi curativi possono fare, non rappresenti l’ulteriore frontiera per contrastare una condizione ,la FM, che altro non è che l’esito materiale di un qualcosa che ha scosso profondamente l’equilibrio e l’omeostasi di quell’individuo?

Alessandro Di Branco.




Cos’è  l’ O S T E O P A T I A

Il termine “osteopatia” nasce dall’unione di “osteon” (dal greco: “osso, struttura”) e “path” (dall’inglese “sentiero, via, percorso”) volendo significare: “la via della salute attraverso l’apparato muscolo-scheletrico”.  I principi sui quali si basa questa terapia sono: globalità e capacità di autoguarigione del corpo, relazione tra struttura e funzione.
L’osteopatia, quindi, attraverso un trattamento manuale, cura cercando di restituire al corpo la capacità di svolgere correttamente la propria funzione.
Per struttura s’intende non solo muscoli, ossa e articolazioni ma anche visceri e tessuto connettivo.
Le tecniche osteopatiche agiscono in maniera diretta sulla struttura muscolo-scheletrica ed indiretta su tutti i visceri con lo scopo di migliorare la mobilità e la funzione.
L’approccio alla persona è basato sulla valutazione globale del soggetto, considerando tutti i sistemi ed apparati in collegamento tra loro. Ogni parte del corpo viene valutata da sola e nell’insieme.
Un esempio: un dolore alla spalla può derivare da un trauma alla spalla, ma anche da una contrattura di alcuni muscoli del collo, da una rotazione del bacino, da un problema del fegato.
Interpretando il sintomo come un messaggio lanciato dal corpo, non si cerca di sopprimerlo ma di agire direttamente sulla causa ed aiutare il corpo ad attivare le proprie capacità di autoguarigione.
Obiettivo del trattamento osteopatico è ristabilire una buona funzionalità (articolare, muscolare, circolatoria, di conduzione nervosa, viscerale) che permetta al corpo di affrontare in modo efficace i numerosi e vari disturbi.
La valutazione del paziente avviene nel suo insieme, sia nella statica (esame posturale) che nella dinamica globale e segmentaria. Nell’esame, oltre ai comuni test clinici, si valutano le restrizioni di movimento delle articolazioni, le tensioni muscolari e fasciali, la mobilità dei visceri.
La diagnosi osteopatica (non medica) viene pertanto effettuata valutando la storia del paziente, gli esami di laboratorio (Tac, Rx, esami del sangue etc…), test clinici classici e soprattutto test eseguiti dall’osteopata.

Alcuni Concetti di Base

  • Osteopatia cranio-sacrale:

Questo tipo di approccio si basa sulla connessione anatomica tra cranio e osso sacro grazie alle meningi che rivestono il cervello ed il midollo spinale. In osteopatia si afferma l’esistenza di un ritmo a carico del sistema nervoso centrale che si trasmette alle ossa del cranio (movimento di espansione) ed il sacro (movimento di flesso-estensione).
Questi movimenti sono appena percettibili, ma si possono apprezzare ponendo le dita in precisi punti del cranio e del sacro. L’obiettivo del trattamento è l’ottenimento di un buon ritmo nei casi in cui questo si trovi alterato (ad es. in conseguenza di colpi di frusta o traumi).

  • Le fasce:

In osteopatia tutte le strutture di origine connettivale vengono definite fasce, ma per maggior semplicità si può dire che le fasce sono i tessuti che avvolgono i muscoli e li mettono in relazione tra loro. Hanno una importante funzione ogni volta che si instaura una lesione osteopatica, che comporta delle tensioni muscolari inadeguate e hanno una parte importante nel meccanismo di compenso che si crea sulle strutture muscolari ed articolari circostanti la zona della disfunzione osteopatica. Si può quindi dire che i meccanismi di compenso sono mediati dalle fasce.

  • Concetto di lesione osteopatica:

Si parla di lesione osteopatica quando si ha una perdita di mobilità a carico di una articolazione. Il termine articolazione viene esteso anche alle suture del cranio ed ai suoi legamenti che collegano tra loro i visceri con le strutture circostanti. Non tutte le limitazioni articolari sono però lesioni osteopatiche, come ad esempio un’anchilosi.
Le lesioni osteopatiche sono distinte in primarie (da dove origina il meccanismo lesionale) e secondarie (tentativi del corpo di compensare le tensioni muscolari create dalle lesioni primarie). La cosa più importante è trovare e trattare la lesione primaria, anche se non si devono trascurare le secondarie.

Tutte le lesioni osteopatiche comportano tensioni muscolari anomale nella regione circostante all’articolazione interessata, dato che i muscoli sono motori dell’articolazione. Spesso queste tensioni interessano piccoli muscoli e la persona non se ne rende conto, ma dato che il corpo non può funzionare in maniera efficace se esiste una situazione di questo tipo, cerca di trovare dei compensi a livello delle articolazioni e dei gruppi muscolari (meccanismo lesionale di compenso). Un esempio: in seguito ad una distorsione di caviglia, anche lieve, si può avere una lesione osteopatica a livello di alcune ossa del piede; questo porterà ad una tensione anomala di alcuni muscoli della gamba ed un diverso appoggio del piede a terra. Il resto del corpo si adatta a questo cambiamento nel tentativo di ristabilire un corretto appoggio del piede a terra ed allentare le tensioni muscolari che si sono create, e lo fa a partire dal ginocchio, poi sull’anca e sulla colonna vertebrale sino alla testa.
Tutto ciò perché il corpo cerca sempre una situazione di confort e di risparmio di energia.

La Terapia Osteopatica

Fondata ufficialmente nel 1874 grazie all’opera di un chirurgo americano, Andrew Taylor Still, l’osteopatia viene definita come una “medicina manuale” capace di compiere delle diagnosi nel proprio ambito ed effettuare trattamenti terapeutici tramite l’utilizzo delle mani.
Quale scienza “olistica” (che si prefigge cioè il riequilibrio del soggetto paziente nella sua interezza e non nella cura del sintomo), ha un campo di applicazione molto vasto.
L’osteopata interviene laddove si è venuta a creare una limitazione di movimento, in una o più zone del corpo, tale da alterare l’equilibrio posturale dell’individuo.
A tale scopo si interessa dell’aspetto meccanico dell’individuo, quindi la sua visita è orientata in questo senso e la sua diagnosi non è una diagnosi medica.
Viene valutata la postura e la qualità dei movimenti articolari del soggetto oltre alla sua tonicità muscolare; quindi si concentra sulle informazioni che le sue mani ricevono dai tessuti: valutazione delle tensioni fasciali e dei micro-movimenti articolari.
L’obiettivo è trovare i punti di maggior limitazione articolare, comprendere i più importanti e trattarli. Il trattamento è esclusivamente manuale e varia da particolari tecniche articolari a tecniche di rilasciamento delle tensioni muscolari e fasciali, fino alle tecniche cranio-sacrali e viscerali.
Per esempio: in seguito ad una caduta sulla spalla si può produrre una limitazione articolare dell’omero, ma anche della clavicola e, per il contraccolpo, di una o più vertebre del tratto cervico-dorsale. Il dolore scompare in breve tempo, ma le limitazioni articolari permangono ed influenzano la mobilità locale. Questo comporterà un continuo tentativo di compenso da parte del corpo per permettere lo svolgimento delle normali funzioni; tale adattamento avviene attraverso una ipomobilità compensativa di altre zone ed un cambiamento della postura del soggetto rispetto a quella abituale. Nel tempo questi cambiamenti possono provocare dei sintomi, spesso a distanza dalla regione in cui si è verificato il trauma.
Il trattamento osteopatico risulta inefficace quando la malattia ha raggiunto uno stadio che comporta  gravi lesioni anatomiche (fratture, patologie degenerative avanzate, per es. cirrosi, etc…).
Il campo d’azione dell’osteopatia è, dunque, quello della medicina funzionale ed esclude quindi tutte le lesioni anatomiche gravi, ma anche tutte le urgenze mediche.
In questi casi, non si tratta di ricercare il “punto debole” che ha permesso l’instaurarsi della malattia, ma di agire urgentemente, poiché la patologia in causa non può essere combattuta con le sole difese dell’organismo. A questo punto è necessario un “aiuto esterno” per lottare contro l’aggressore e ristabilire equilibri alterati.
L’osteopata non può somministrare o prescrivere farmaci, né variare al paziente cure a cui si sta già sottoponendo.

Collaborazione Con Altri Specialisti

Non è la sede del dolore che ci indica la reale causa del problema. Diventa necessario, quindi, capire se la causa dei sintomi sia di competenza osteopatica. In alcuni casi non si potrà intervenire, in altri saranno necessari degli accertamenti, in altri ancora sarà necessario, in primis, l’intervento di altri specialisti e, solo in un secondo momento, dell’osteopata. Nel caso in cui l’osteopata verifichi che l’origine del problema possa richiedere preventivamente un altro approccio, consiglierà di consultare altri esperti (ortopedici, medici, neurologi, pediatri, dentisti od ortodonzisti, oculisti, ortometristi od ortottisti, psicologi, omeopati, neurologi, agopuntori etc…).

Osteopatia In Campo Sportivo

La figura dell’osteopata è sempre più apprezzata in ambito sportivo.
La richiesta sempre maggiore di prestazioni ai limiti delle possibilità atletiche sottopone gli sportivi di alto livello a stress e a traumi ripetuti che necessitano di continua attenzione e valutazione osteopatica, al fine di mantenere sempre la struttura dell’atleta integra e reattiva.
Tutto ciò anche per allontanare il più possibile l’insorgenza di fenomeni infiammatori e di cedimenti mio-fasciali, e per facilitare il recupero sia muscolare che metabolico dopo impegni di grande intensità.

Riconoscimento Dell’Osteopatia

L’osteopatia è una scienza attualmente non riconosciuta dal Sistema Sanitario Italiano.
E’ stata presentata alla Camera dei Deputati del Parlamento Italiano in data 1.04.2004 la proposta di legge per il riconoscimento e la regolamentazione delle Medicine Naturali, comprendente l’Osteopatia.
E’ riconosciuta ufficialmente negli Stati Uniti, Canada, Australia, Nuova Zelanda, Israele, Gran Bretagna, Francia, Belgio con un’appropriata formazione universitaria e  conseguente laurea e Albo professionale.
In ITALIA è una Formazione Universitaria Privata di 6 anni alla quale si accede solo se precedentemente in possesso di una laurea in Medicina, Fisioterapia, Scienze Motorie.

Fibromialgia e Morchella esculenta

Fibromialgia e Morchella esculenta nella Micomedicina


Questo mese inizieremo un trittico bello e interessante che ci accompagnerà per tutta l’estate e dove si racchiude buona parte dell’aspetto teorico-concettuale della micomedicina: parleremo del trittico fibromialgia, CFS (sindrome della stanchezza cronica) e MCS (sensibilità chimica multipla), sempre  con la nostra lente olistico-simbiotica filtrata attraverso i funghi. Iniziamo con la Fibromialgia, malattia che prende principalmente il sesso femminile, spesso confusa con malattie reumatologiche varie o con forme depressive, tanto che ancora oggi nosograficamente ci sono discussioni su come classificarla e spesso viene scambiata come una  sindrome ansiosa con  somatizzazioni. Ho parlato del trittico perché è nel contesto di queste tre patologie, in cui spesso si mescolano i sintomi, che ritengo possa svilupparsi a pieno il pensiero della micomedicina, partendo da una unica  eziologia : il Micoplasma. Il fungo di riferimento di questo mese è la Morchella esculenta un buon fungo commestibile (primaverile) che cresce spontaneo e ultimamente anche coltivato, con notevoli proprietà medicinali: è un potentissimo antiossidante che unito alle sviluppate capacità chelanti (vedi in seguito sui metalli pesanti), a quelle antinfiammatorie (è paragonato al Diclofenac)  e soprattutto alle capacità antibatteriche (esopolisaccaridi) che servono contro il Micoplasma, rappresenta il nutraceutico di riferimento per la Fibromialgia………

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Tai chi e Diabete


Tai Chi Improves Diabetes Control

Tai chi e Diabete

Article Date: 01 Apr 2008 – 0:00 PDT

According to two small studies published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine in April 2008, Tai Chi exercises can improve blood glucose levels and improve the control of type 2
diabetes and immune system response.

Tai Chi is a Chinese martial art that combines diaphragmatic breathing and relaxation with soft, gentle movements. It is considered moderate exercise, which has previously been shown to improve immune system response, in contrast to strenuous physical activity, which depresses it. Previous studies have shown that it improves respiratory and cardiovascular function, while improving flexibility and relieving stress.

Type 2 diabetes is a form of diabetes that usually sets in later in life. It is associated with chronic inflammation cause by increase glucose levels in the blood, known as hyperglycemia. When there is excess blood sugar, it can combine with hemogloben, the oxygen transporter in the red blood cell, it can become glycated hemogloben. This can be used to indicate the levels of excess sugars.

In the immune system, helper T cells prompt stimulus of other immune system cells, altering the immune response. They respond to specific antigens, producing interleukins and other important signaling chemicals. As a result, they are essential for the cell mediated immune response .

In a first study, the investigators sought to analyze the impact of a 12 week Tai Chi Chuan exercise program on helper T cell activity in 30 patients with type 2 diabetes, and contrast this with 30 healthy people of the same age.

After 12 weeks in the exercise program, the levels of glycated hemoglobin levels fell significantly, from 7.59% to 7.16% in diabetic patients, a significant difference. Interleukin-12, which boosts the immune response, increased in level; interleukin-4, which lessens the immune response, declined. In conjunction, T cell activity also significantly increased.

According to these responses, it is possible that Tai Chi can prompt a declination in blood glucose levels, perhaps by improving blood glucose metabolism, prompting a decrease in the inflammatory response. In an alternative explanation also suggested by the authors, the exercise may boost levels of fitness along with a feeling of well being — this in turn may boost the health of the immune system.

A second study in the same issue, investigators focused on adults with metabolic syndrome. This is a group of symptoms including hypertension and high blood glucose which are associated with increased risk of cardiovascular disease and diabetes.

A 12 week program of Tai Chi and Qigong was administered to 13 patients with metabolic syndrome for up to 1.5 hours up to 3 times a week, while being encouraged to perform the exercises outside of the classes.

At the end of 12 weeks, they had lost an average of 3 kg in weight and had dropped waist size by almost 3 cm. Additionally, the blood pressures of the subjects fell significantly more than exercise alone can account for, according to the authors. Insulin resistance also fell, indicating a decreased predisposition for type 2 diabetes. Participants additionally claimed to sleep better, have more energy, feel less pain, and have fewer cravings for food while participating in the program.

Notably, three patients no longer met the criteria for metabolic syndrome after this test.

Regular Tai Chi Chuan exercise improves T cell helper function of patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus with an increase in T-bet transcription factor and IL-12 production
S-H Yeh, H Chuang, L-W Lin, C-Y Hsiao, P-W Wang, R-T Liu, K D Yang
Online First Br J Sports Med 2008
doi 10.1136/bjsm.2007.043562
Click Here For Abstract

Preliminary study of the effect of Tai Chi and Qigong medical exercise on indicators of metabolic syndrome and glycaemic control in adults with raised blood glucose levels
X Liu, Y D Miller, N W Burton, W J Brown
Online First Br J Sports Med 2008;
doi 10.1136/bjsm.2007.043562
Click Here For Abstract

Written by Anna Sophia McKenney
Copyright: Medical News Today
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Funghi Medicinali nel diabete Mellito


Functional Foods in Health and Disease 2011; 4:161-171 Page 161 of 171

Review Open Access

Mushrooms as a functional food mediator in

Preventing and ameliorating diabetes

Pathirage Kamal Perera1, Yunman Li2*

1Department of Materia medica and Pharmacology, Institute of Indigenous Medicine, University of Colombo, Rajagiriya, Sri Lanka.

2Department of Physiology, China Pharmaceutical University, Mailbox 207 Tongjiaxiang 24, Nanjing, Jiangsu, 210009, P. R. China.

Correspondence Yunman Li, Department of Physiology and Pharmacology, China Pharmaceutical University, Mailbox 207 Tongjiaxiang 24, Nanjing, Jiangsu, 210009, P. R. China

Submission date: March 23, 2011; Acceptance date: April 23, 2011; Publication date: April 25, 2011


Diabetes is a major health problem predisposing to markedly increased complications. Despite the numerous preventative strategies and armories of medication, the management of diabetes remains grossly unsatisfactory. Diabetes is emerging as a pandemic. Therefore it is important to identify novel nutraceuticals or drugs for curing or preventing diabetes, which have fewer side effects. The present paper reviewed scientific information on mushrooms with regards to its anti-diabetic active compounds and/or pharmacological test results, which are commonly used as functional foods and ingredients used in the traditional medical system and which have demonstrated experimental or/and clinical anti-diabetic effectiveness. These functional foods might have a big potential for the prevention or cure of diabetes more than in other plant species. However, still scientific or clinical studies are not sufficient for hypoglycemic effect for mushrooms use as ‗official‘ drug. Therefore, it is proposed that a close attention be paid to carry out further research of functional mushrooms for preventive and curative measures for diabetes and its complications.

Keywords: Diabetes, Mushrooms, Functional foods, Hypoglycemic, and Nutraceuticals


As of 2000 at least 171 million people worldwide suffer from diabetes, or 2.8% of the population [1]. Diabetes is a major health problem predisposing to markedly increased cardiovascular mortality and serious morbidity and mortality related to development of nephropathy, neuropathy and retinopathy [2]. Although chemical and biochemical hypoglycemic agents, e.g., insulin,

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tolbutamide, phenformin, troglitazone, rosigitazone and repaglinide, are the mainstay of treatment of diabetes and are effective in controlling hyperglycemia, they have harmful side-effects and fail to significantly alter the course of diabetic complications [3].

Some mushrooms appear to be effective for both the control of blood glucose and the modification of the course of diabetic complications without side-effects. This review particularly explores the promising mushrooms that have demonstrated clinical or/and experimental anti-diabetic properties by preventing or lowering down the development of diabetes mellitus. But still scientific or clinical studies are not sufficient enough to show the hypoglycemic effects of mushrooms to be use as ‗official‘ drugs or nutraceuticals. Therefore, we suggest a closer attention be paid to the mushrooms that have preventive and curative functions of diabetes mellitus and its complications.

Diabetes mellitus (DM)

There are two main types of Diabetes mellitus (DM); type I diabetes and type II diabetes. Type I diabetes occurs as a result of deficiency of insulin due to destructive lesions of pancreatic β-cells, and usually progresses to the stage of absolute insulin deficiency [4]. Typically, type I diabetes occurs in young subjects with acute onset, but may occur at any age, sometimes with slow progression [5]. Type I diabetes may be further divided into subtypes according to the mode of onset (i.e. acute or slowly-progressive), HLA antigens, or epitopes of autoantigens [5, 6].

Most patients previously called non insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM) belong to Type II diabetes category. In this type, the mass of pancreatic β cells and their function are preserved to some extent, and insulin injection is seldom needed to sustain life. Ketoacidosis may occur in the presence of severe infection or other stress. Both decreased insulin secretion and decreased insulin sensitivity (insulin resistance) are involved in its pathogenesis. Insulin resistance may not always be present. The relative role of these two factors varies between patients. With regard to insulin secretion, the acute insulin response to a glucose load is characteristically defective. The majority of patients are obese or have been obese in the past. The prevalence of type II DM among adults varies from less than 5% to over 40% depending on the population in question [2]. With the increase of obesity, sedentariness and dietary habits in both developed and developing countries, the prevalence of type II DM is growing at an exponential rate [2, 7]. Typically, type II DM develops after middle age, but may occur in younger people. Screening by urine analysis of large numbers of school children has revealed that type II diabetes has been steadily increasing since the 1970s [8, 9].

Mushrooms as a functional food

Chang et al. defined the mushrooms as “a macro fungus with distinctive fruiting bodies that could be hypogeous or epigeous, large enough to be seen by naked eyes and to be picked by hands [10]. From taxonomic point of view, basidiomycetes and some species of ascomycetes mainly belong to category of mushrooms. Mushrooms constitute 22,000 known species. They

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are widely available on earth and about 10% of them are explored. Among the unexplored and unexamined mushrooms, if the proportion of useful mushroom is 5%, it suggests that 7000 undiscovered species would possibly provide benefit to mankind [11].

Numerous species of mushrooms exist in nature; however, only a few are used as edibles. Many Asian countries use traditionally wild edible mushrooms as delicious and nutritional foods and medicine [12]. Wild edible mushrooms are appreciated not only for their texture and flavor but also for the chemical and nutritional characteristics [13, 14]. Edible mushrooms have higher protein contents and minerals and contain less fat but are rich in B vitamins, vitamin D, vitamin K and sometimes vitamins A and C [15-18]. Mushrooms are not only sources of nutrients but also have been reported as therapeutic foods, useful in preventing diseases such as hypertension, diabetes, hypercholesterolemia and cancer [19, 20]. These functional characteristics are mainly due to the presence of dietary fiber and in particular chitin and beta glucans [16]. Studies have also shown that certain mushrooms species have antitumor, antiviral, antithrombotic and immunomodulating properties. [21]. Research has shown that some mushrooms may have potential to lower elevated blood sugar levels. But the explanation for this effect is limited, with the exception of some mushrooms. Therefore it is useful to carry out more research on mushrooms with a view to identify active principles in them for the treatment of diabetes mellitus and its complications.

Medicinal mushrooms and diabetes

Tremella fuciformis (berk)

Tremella fuciformis has been given the common names snow fungus or silver ear fungus. In Chinese cuisine, Tremella fuciformis is traditionally used in sweet dishes. Despite its tasteless nature, T. fuciformis is valued for its gelatinous texture as well as its supposed medicinal benefits [22]. Glucuronoxylomannan (AC) from the fruiting bodies of T. fuciformis exhibited a significant dose-dependent hypoglycemic activity in normal mice and also showed a significant activity in streptozotocin-induced diabetic mice, by intraperitoneal administration [23]. The anti-diabetic activities of the exopolysaccharides (EPS) produced by submerged mycelial culture of T. fuciformis in ob/ob mice were investigated [24]. The results suggested that EPS exhibited considerable hypoglycemic effect and improved insulin sensitivity possibly through regulating PPAR-gamma-mediated lipid metabolism [24]. These results indicated that Tremella fuciformis has potential oral hypoglycemic effect as a functional food for the management of DM.

Wolfiporia extensa (Peck) Ginns (formerly known as Poria cocos F.A. Wolf)

Poria cocos, a rotten pine-tree fungus is a wood decay fungus but has a terrestrial growth habit. It has long been used as traditional Chinese medicine and food [25-27]. Poria cocos, alone or in combination with other herbs is often used to treat diabetes as well as other disorders [28-30]. Mechanistic study on streptozocin (STZ) treated mice showed that the crude extract,

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dehydrotumulosic acid, dehydrotrametenolic acid, and pachymic acid of Poria cocos exhibited different levels of insulin sensitizer activity [31]. The data suggested that the Poria cocos extract and its triterpenes reduce postprandial blood glucose levels in db/db mice via enhanced insulin sensitivity irrespective of PPAR-γ [31].

Ganoderma lucidum (Curtis) P.Karst Ganoderma lucidum has been use since the 4th century A.D. and is well known in China as the herb of longevity. Ganoderma is to be famous tonic and found an important place in Chinese medicine due to its beneficial effects to all viscera and nontoxic nature [32]. Research workers have found that Ganoderma lucidum polysaccharides (Gl-PS) dose-dependently lowered the serum glucose levels after administration in mice. Ganoderma lucidum polysaccharides (Gl-PS) possess the hypoglycemic effect on normal mice; one mechanism is through its insulin releasing activity due to a facilitation of Ca2+ inflow to the pancreatic beta cells [33]. Ganoderma applanatum (Pers.) Pat. and Collybia confluens (Pers.: Fr.) Kummer The hypoglycemic effects of Ganoderma applanatum exo-polymer (GAE) and Collybia confluens exo-polymer (CCE) produced by submerged mycelial cultures in streptozotocin (STZ)-induced diabetic rats were shown hypoglycemic effects. The results strongly demonstrated the potential of GAE and CCE in combating diabetes in experimental animals [34].

Auricularia auricula-judae (Bull.)

Auricularia auricula-judae, known as the Jew‘s Ear, Jelly Ear is a species of edible Auriculariales mushroom found worldwide. Distinguished by its noticeably ear-like shape and brown coloration, it grows upon wood. It is popular in China, where the medicinal use of food is common; a soup containing A. auricula-judae, chicken, pak choi and ginger is used medicinally for dealing with colds and fevers by reducing the heat of the body [35]. The hypoglycemic effect of water-soluble polysaccharide (FA) from fruiting bodies of A. auricula-judae was investigated on genetically diabetic mice (KK-Ay). This study showed that FA had a hypoglycemic effect on KK-Ay mice, and the reduced food consumption was not a major factor which contributed to the hypoglycemic action of FA [36].

Agaricus campestris (L.)

Agaricus campestris has fast maturing and short shelf-life [37]. A. campestris (mushroom) has been documented as a traditional treatment for diabetes. The administration of mushroom in the diet and drinking water countered the hyperglycaemia of streptozotocin-diabetic mice [38].

Agaricus subrufescens (Peck) Agaricus subrufescens is a choice edible, with a somewhat sweet taste and fragrance of almonds [39].In Japan, A. subrufescens is also the most popular complementary and alternative medicine

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used by cancer patients [40]. A. brasiliensis fruit body is useful as a health promoting food. Performed studies on murine models and human volunteers to examine the immune-enhancing effects of the naturally outdoor-cultivated fruit body of Agaricus brasiliensis KA21 (i.e. Agaricus blazei) has shown antitumor, leukocyte-enhancing, hepatopathy-alleviating and endotoxin shock-alleviating effects in mice [41]. In the human study, percentage body fat, percentage visceral fat, blood cholesterol level and blood glucose level were decreased and natural killer cell activity was increased [41]. Beta-glucans and oligosaccharides (AO) of Agaricus blazei Murill showed anti-hyperglycemic, anti-hypertriglyceridemic, anti-hypercholesterolemic, and anti-arteriosclerotic activity indicating overall anti-diabetic activity in diabetic rats, AO had about twice the activity of beta-glucans with respect to anti-diabetic activity [42]. Further supplement of Agaricus blazei Murill extract has improved insulin resistance among subjects with type 2 DM. The increase in adiponectin concentration after taking Agaricus blazei Murill extract might be the mechanism that brings the beneficial effect [43]. Inonotus obliquus (L.) Chaga mushroom (Inonotus obliquus), a white rot fungus, belongs to the hymenochaetaceae family of Basidomycetes. Chaga mushroom grows on birch trees in colder northern climates [44]. Since the sixteenth century, Chaga has been used as a folk medicine in Russia and western Siberia [45]. Researches exposed that the dry matter of culture broth of Inonotus obliquus possesses significant anti-hyperglycemic, anti-lipid peroxidative and antioxidant effects in alloxan-induced diabetic mice [46]. Hericium erinaceus (Bull.) Hericium erinaceus is named for its shape, and is literally interpreted as ―Monkey Head Mushroom‖ in China. Recent studies have determined that many types of mushroom (eg Hericium spp), may have important physiological functions in humans, including antioxidant activities, the regulation of blood lipid levels and reduction of blood glucose levels [47]. Researchers have found that the hypoglycemic effects of feeding the methanol extract of H erinaceus to streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats were significantly lower elevation rates of blood glucose levels [47]. Agrocybe aegerita It is an important valuable source possessing varieties of bioactive secondary metabolites such as indole derivatives with free radical scavenging activity, cylindan with anticancer activity, and also agrocybenine with antifungal activity [48]. A glucan and a heteroglycan were isolated from a hot-water extract of the fruiting bodies of Agrocybe cylindracea. A glucan showed a remarkable hypoglycemic activity in both normal and streptozotocin-induced diabetic mice by intraperitoneal administration, and its activity was higher than that of heteroglycan [49].

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Coprinus comatus (O.F.Mull) The young mushrooms of Coprinus comatus, before the gills start to turn black, are edible. It can sometimes be used in mushroom soup with parasol mushroom [50].This species is cultivated in China as food. When young it is an excellent edible mushroom provided that it is eaten soon after being collected. It can be used as a hypoglycemic food or medicine for hyperglycemic people [51].The hypoglycemic activity of fermented mushroom, Coprinus comatus tested on Alloxan and adrenalin-induced hyperglycemic mice. It confirmed that Coprinus comatus rich in vanadium has significant anti-hyperglycemic effect [51].

Cordyceps sinensis

Cordyceps sinensis, known in English commonly as caterpillar fungus is considered a medicinal mushroom in traditional Chinese medicine [52]. Crude polysaccharides of Cordyceps sinensis were tested in normal mice and streptozotocin-induced diabetic mice. It significantly lowered the glucose level by oral administration in mice [53]. A polysaccharide obtained from the cultural mycelium of Cordyceps sinensis showed potent hypoglycemic activity in genetic diabetic mice after intraperitoneal administration, and the plasma glucose level was quickly reduced in normal and streptozotocin-induced diabetic mice after intravenous administration [54].Further Cordyceps, a Chinese herbal medicine with fruiting body and carcass, has been proposed to have multiple medicinal activities. The diabetic rats had significantly lower weight gain and higher blood glucose response in oral glucose tolerance test than the control rats; and these changes were significantly reduced by administrating the fruiting body of Cordyceps and these improvements suggested that fruiting body of Cordyceps has a potential to be the functional food for diabetes[55]. Another research revealed that isolated polysaccharide from Cordyceps sinensis, named CSP-1 produced a significant drop in blood glucose level in both STZ-induced diabetic rats and alloxan-induced diabetic mice. It suggested that CSP-1 may stimulate pancreatic release of insulin and/or reduce insulin metabolism [56].

Grifola frondosa (Dicks.)

Grifola frondosa is also very popular in Korea, China and Japan, where it is cultivated as maitake, the dancing mushroom. Controlled experiments have found many beneficial activities attributable to Grifola frondosa and/or its extracts. The reason Maitake lowers blood sugar is due to the fact that the mushroom naturally contains an alpha-glucosidase inhibitor. Alpha-glucosidase inhibitory activities were found in aqueous methanol extracts of the seeds of Momordica charantia and the fruit bodies of Grifola frondosa [57]. Researchers evaluated the anti-diabetic effect of an alpha-glucan (MT-alpha-glucan) from the fruit body of maitake mushrooms (Grifola frondosa) on KK-Ay mice. These data suggest that MT-alpha-glucan has an anti-diabetic effect on KK-Ay mice, which might be related to its effect on insulin receptors (i.e.,

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increasing insulin sensitivity and ameliorating insulin resistance of peripheral target tissues) [58]. Further animal and human experiments also proven that anti-diabetic activity present in the fruit body of Grifola frondosa [59-63].

Table 1. Medicinal mushrooms and major effective compounds

Plant name

Major effective compounds

Tremella fuciformis (berk)


Wolfiporia extensa (Peck)

Dehydrotumulosic acid, Dehydrotrametenolic acid and Pachymic acid [31]

Ganoderma lucidum (Curtis)

Polysaccharides (Gl-PS) [33] Ganoderma applanatum (Pers.) Pat.

Exo-polymer (GAE) [34]

Collybia confluens (Pers.: Fr.)

Exo-polymer (CCE) [34]

Auricularia auricula-judae (Bull.)

Polysaccharide (FA) [36]

Agaricus subrufescens (Peck)

Beta-glucans and Oligosaccharides (AO) [42] Coprinus comatus (O.F.Mull)

Vanadium[51] Cordyceps sinensis

Polysaccharide CSP-1 [56]

Grifola frondosa (Dicks.)

Alpha-glucan (MT-alpha-glucan) [59-63]


Mushrooms with immune-modulating polysaccharides are used as delicious food or as health-promoting food supplement (nutraceutical) or as drug in limited geographic regions. But scientific or clinical studies are not sufficient for use as ‗official‘ drug/nutraceutical worldwide till now. These functional mushrooms might have a particularly high impact for prevention or curative of diabetes more than in other species. Therefore further research needs to identify their active compounds to develop drug/nutraceutical use in diabetes.

L’elemento chimico produce effetti ipoglicemizzanti

Proprietà del vanadio

Nota di Carmelo D’Alessio

Una larga parte della ricerca è stata dedicata al diabete mellito con lo scopo di trovare un migliore trattamento per questa complessa malattia. In particolare, la ricerca fisiopatologica nei ratti, suggerisce che il vanadio potrebbe essere un possibile agente terapeutico grazie alla sua attività sulla secrezione insulinica ed alle sue proprietà insulino-simili a livello periferico. Infatti, la dimostrazione che tracce dell’elemento vanadio, posseggano capacità analoghe all’insulina nelle cellule isolate, nei tessuti ed in vivo, ha generato un notevole entusiasmo per il suo potenziale valore terapeutico nel diabete umano. Tuttavia, i meccanismi attraverso cui il vanadio provoca i suoi effetti metabolici restano scarsamente compresi.

E’ chiaro che il trattamento con vanadio porta alla correzione di diverse anomalie associate al diabete, nel metabolismo glucidico e lipidico e nell’espressione genica. Comunque, molti di questi effetti insulino-simili in vivo possono essere attribuiti all’osservazione che il potere ipoglicemizzante del vanadio dipende dalla presenza di insulina endogena, mentre il fatto che l’omeostasi metabolica nei modelli animali non sembra essere interessata, testimonia che il vanadio non agisce del tutto indipendentemente in vivo, bensì aumenta la sensibilità dei tessuti a bassi livelli plasmatici d’insulina.

Un’altra considerazione cruciale è la dipendenza dalla dose, poiché gli effetti insulino-simili del vanadio nelle cellule isolate, sono stati spesso provati ad alte concentrazioni, che non sono normalmente raggiunte nel trattamento cronico in vivo, potendo indurre effetti collaterali tossici.

Inoltre, il vanadio sembra essere selettivo per specifiche funzioni dell’insulina in alcuni tessuti, mentre non riesce ad influenzarne altre.

Così come non sono esattamente definite le forme intracellulari attive del vanadio, sono ancora sconosciuti i suoi siti d’azione a livello metabolico e di trasduzione del segnale.

Quindi, l’obiettivo è quello di verificare l’evidenza che il vanadio sia o meno un agente insulino-simile a basse concentrazioni in vivo. Considerando gli effetti del vanadio sul metabolismo glucidico e su quello lipidico, si può concludere che esso non agisce globalmente, ma in modo selettivo, migliorando piuttosto che imitando gli effetti dell’insulina in vivo.

Alla luce di quanto sopra, le proprietà antidiabetiche dei derivati del vanadio, prospettano una nuova classe di composti con promettenti capacità terapeutiche e favorevoli caratteristiche farmacocinetiche, dovute innanzitutto alla via di somministrazione orale.


Mechanism of Vanadium action: insulin-mimetic or insulin-enhancing agent? [Can J Physiol Pharmacol 2000 Oct; 78 (10):829-47]


Vanadium and diabetes: pancreatic and peripheral insulinomimetic properties [Ann Pharm Fr 2000 Oct; 58 (5):531]

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Alga Ecklonia Cava


Alga Ecklonia Cava

Effects of brown alga, Ecklonia cava on glucose and lipid metabolism in C57BL/KsJ-db/db mice, a model of type 2 diabetes mellitus. Lee SH, Min KH, Han JS, Lee DH, Park DB, Jung WK, Park PJ, Jeon BT, Kim SK, Jeon YJ.

Source Department of Marine Life Science, Jeju National University, Jeju 690-756, Republic of Korea. Abstract Recently, there has been a growing interest in alternative therapies of marine algae for diabetes. Therefore, the anti-diabetic effects of brown alga, Ecklonia cava was investigated in type 2 diabetic animal. Male C57BL/KsJ-db/db (db/db) mice were divided into control, dieckol rich extract of E. cava (AG-dieckol), or rosiglitazone (RG) groups. The blood glucose, blood glycosylated hemoglobin levels, and plasma insulin levels were significantly lower in the AG-dieckol and RG groups than in the control db/db mice group, while glucose tolerance was significantly improved in the AG-dieckol group. AG-dieckol markedly lowered plasma and hepatic lipids concentration compared to the control db/db mice group. The antioxidant enzyme activities were significantly higher in the AG-dieckol group than in the control db/db mice group, yet its TBARS level was markedly lower compared to the RG group. With regard to hepatic glucose regulating enzyme activities, glucokinase activity was enhanced in the AG-dieckol group mice, while glucose-6-phosphatase and phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase activities in the AG-dieckol group mice were significantly lowered than those in the control db/db mice group. These results suggest that AG-dieckol exert an anti-diabetic effect in type 2 diabetic mice by improving the glucose and lipid metabolism and antioxidant enzymes. Copyright © 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. PMID: 22227338 [PubMed – indexed for MEDLINE] Publication Types, MeSH Terms, Substances LinkOut – more resources Dieckol isolated from brown seaweed Ecklonia cava attenuates type ІІ diabetes in db/db mouse model. Kang MC, Wijesinghe WA, Lee SH, Kang SM, Ko SC, Yang X, Kang N, Jeon BT, Kim J, Lee DH, Jeon YJ. Source Department of Marine Life Sciences, Jeju National University, Jeju 690-756, Republic of Korea. Abstract In the present study, the attenuation of type ІІ diabetes by dieckol, a phlorotannin derivative isolated from brown seaweed, Ecklonia cava was investigated in C57BL/KsJ-db/db, a type ІІ diabetes mouse model. Dieckol was administered intraperitoneal injection at doses of 10 and 20 mg/kg body weight diabetes mice for 14 days. The blood glucose level, serum insulin level and body weight were significantly reduced in the dieckol administered group, compared to that of the saline administered group. Furthermore, reduced thiobarbituric acid reactive substraces (TBARS), as well as increased activities of antioxidant enzymes, including superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT) and glutathione peroxidase (GSH-px) in liver tissues were observed in the dieckol administered group. In addition, increased levels of the phosphorylation of AMPK and Akt were observed in the muscle tissues of the dieckol administered group in a Western blotting analysis. According to the findings of this study, it could be suggested that, dieckol can be developed as a therapeutic agent for type ІІ diabetes. Copyright © 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. PMID: 23261675 [PubMed – in process] C) A brief review on anti diabetic plants: Global distribution, active ingredients, extraction techniques and acting mechanisms Chung-Hung Chan, Gek-Cheng Ngoh, Rozita Yusoff University of Malaya, Department of Chemical Engineering, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Date of Submission 13-Jun-2011 Date of Decision 09-Aug-2011 Date of Web Publication 08-May-2012 Department of Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Malaya, 50603 Kuala Lumpur Malaysia DOI: 10.4103/0973-7847.95854 PMID: 22654401 Abstract A study has been conducted with the aim to provide researchers with general information on anti diabetic extracts based on relevant research articles collected from 34 reliable medical journals. The study showed that Asian and African continents have 56% and 17% share of the worldwide distribution of therapeutic herbal plants, respectively. In Asia, India and China are the leading countries in herbal plants research, and there has been an increase in medicinal research on plants extract for diabetes treatment since 1995 in these regions. The information collected shows that plant leaves are about 20% more favorable for storing active ingredients, as compared to other parts of herbal plants. A brief review on the extraction techniques for the mentioned parts is also included. Furthermore, the acting mechanisms for the anti diabetic activity were described, and the related active ingredients were identified. The findings reveal that most of the anti diabetic research is focused on the alteration of glucose metabolism to prevent diabetes. Keywords: Active ingredient; Anti diabetic treatment; extraction technique; herbal plants extract How to cite this article: Chan CH, Ngoh GC, Yusoff R. A brief review on anti diabetic plants: Global distribution, active ingredients, extraction techniques and acting mechanisms. Phcog Rev 2012;6:22-8 How to cite this URL: Chan CH, Ngoh GC, Yusoff R. A brief review on anti diabetic plants: Global distribution, active ingredients, extraction techniques and acting mechanisms. Phcog Rev [serial online] 2012 [cited 2013 Jun 11];6:22-8. Available from: http://www.phcogrev.com/text.asp?2012/6/11/22/95854 Research on diabetes treatment is gaining ground as the world population with diabetes is rising each year, and is expected to hit 439 million adults by 2030. [1] The awareness on the issue has led to a vast discovery of new medications as well as natural products extracted from herbal plants. Many active ingredients extracted from herbal plants possess therapeutic values, i.e. hypoglycemic activity, antioxidant action, etc and they are yet to be discovered. In view of that, a study has been performed on anti diabetic plant extracts and the focuses are on: the global distribution of the plants; the parts in which therapeutic elements are located; and, also the acting mechanism for diabetic treatment. This study not only provides researchers with the information pertaining to anti diabetic plants, but also to evaluate their related research activities. The papers reviewed in this article are selected from the medicinal journals as tabulated in [Table 1] due to their popularity and reliable reputation in medicinal research on herbal plant extract. The research papers were extracted from the selected journals under key words of “Plant extract for diabetes treatment”. The information extracted from the 34 journals listed was compiled and arranged into respective sections as guidance for any interested parties. Anti diabetic plants were widely distributed in six continental regions, and some specific regions around the world such as in Caribbean, Mediterranean and Middle East. This section lists the areas of distribution of the anti diabetic plants with the intention to identify and deduce their locations. The worldwide distribution of anti diabetic plants is depicted in [Figure 1]. This figure shows that Asia (56%) and Africa (17%) dominated the global distribution of the anti diabetic plants. This is not surprising as the two continents are located in the tropic and sub-tropic regions, and have large coverage of tropical rain forests. Moreover, these regions have their long established traditional medicine systems. As the activity of herbal plant researches in certain regions is proportional to the plant distribution, American continent has a 10% research performed on the medicinal plants. European countries led by Germany are closely behind with 6%. Besides, some strategic regions such as Caribbean, Mediterranean and Middle East, have individually engaged to around 2 to 4% research on herbal plants, and Australian continent has contributed 1 % to the anti diabetic herbal plants research. Based on the records for 20 years of research on plants possessing anti diabetic properties [Figure 2], Asia and Africa demonstrate an increase in the trends and research activities since 1995, and this rise is further expected to continue. Comparing between these two continents, the increment of the research on herbal plants in Asia is about 40% higher than that in the African continent. On the other hand, North America, South America and Europe show stable increase in the research activity towards the year 2010, whereas Australia remains unchanged in its research activity on anti diabetic plants for the last 20 years. From this figure, it is clear that Asia and Africa which are rich in plants effective for diabetes treatment, have carried out maximum research in the past few years. The distribution in [Figure 2] indicates that Asia has the most herbal plants which corresponds to the large numbers of researches conducted in the region. The detail distribution of the anti- diabetic herbal plants in this continent is charted in [Figure 3]. South Asia has a large distribution of 36% followed by East Asia and South East Asia which dominate 27% and 17% respectively. The leading countries for the herbal plant research here are India and China. Many of the research hypotheses have been based on traditional medicine system such as Chinese Herbology and Ayurveda’. These two traditional medicine systems are the foundation for the herbal plant medicinal research in their respective regions. Northern Asia has the least distribution of the herbal plants due to its temperate zone and Siberian influence whilst, South Asia and East Asia are the potential regions of herbal plants, and so is their intermediate, South East Asia. The parts of plants that possess active compounds for diabetic treatment and various types of extraction techniques applied are presented in this section. In some cases in which the active ingredients are scattered all over the plants, the entire plants were prepared and extracted for the desired ingredient. More than 80 plants with printed records from the 34 related journals reviewed in this manuscript involved the extraction of the whole plant for desired compounds in the last one decade. Generally, leaves are the favorable storage site for desired compounds and more than 35% of the plants extractions for diabetic treatment can be obtained from these parts as illustrated in [Figure 4]. Besides, fruits contain substantial amount of active ingredients, and thus, in many occasions they are consumed as juice via oral administration to obtain the desired compounds. Other parts of plants that can be extracted for therapeutic compounds are root, aerial parts, flowers, seeds, stem barks, etc. Most of the extractions used in plants extract research are associated with the conventional techniques. The techniques employed in the extraction are tabulated in [Table 2]. In conventional extraction, the release of the desired compounds traditionally required soaking and maceration in mild solvents. In traditional Chinese medicine practices, decoction in water is broadly employed and is an effective method to be considered in cases where the presence of a chemical solvent is undesired. [2],[3],[4],[5],[6] In addition to the soaking/maceration technique, percolations using methanol and ethanol on the stem were also applied. [7],[8],[9],[10],[11],[12] Other solvents such as acetone, petroleum ether and hexane have also been used as solvents in the conventional extraction. [13],[14],[15] Moreover, extraction by liquid nitrogen was also witnessed in some research works. [16] The soxhlet technique for extracting anti-diabetic ingredient was not popular until 2005, after which the extraction technique was incorporated with ethanol and light petroleum. [17],[18] Other than solvent extraction, techniques such as lyophilization [19],[20] and sonification [21],[22] have also been employed. Furthermore, supercritical fluid extraction and microwave assisted techniques have also been used in recent years. For instances, supercritical fluid extraction on lotus gem were carried out by Taiwanese research teams to investigate the antioxidant activity of the extract, [23] and microwave-assisted extraction was employed to investigate the bioactivity of tea flower polysaccharides. [24] These two advanced, non conventional techniques offer attractive advantages of short extraction time and solvent free active compounds, respectively. The extraction techniques normally used in plant research are lacking in the involvement of the engineering aspect as well, and hence the processes are not optimized. As a result, the therapeutic efficacy of the plants under investigation might be affected. The Plant Extracts for Diabetes Treatment and Related Acting Mechanism Most of the medicinal researches have aimed to evaluate the therapeutic value of plants and to identify the related active ingredients extracted. The active ingredients from flavonoids (e.g. quercetin and kaempferol), alkaloids such as dieckol, etc which are potential for diabetes treatment have been discovered and their therapeutic functions have been described in [Table 3]. Besides that, some polysaccharides [25],[26]from plants are also beneficial to humans in fighting diabetes. In this study, the anti diabetic acting mechanisms of the active ingredients are categorized into 6 groups for the ease of compilation as shown in [Figure 5]. The acting mechanisms are namely: alteration of glucose metabolism; hypolipidemic effect; pancreatic effect; antioxidative effect; diabetes complication treatment; and, insulin-like effect. [Figure 5] gives an overall picture on the trend of plant research for anti diabetic treatment based on the information gathered for the past 20 years. The figure indicates the percentage distribution of anti diabetic acting mechanisms possessed by herbal plant extracts in descending order. [Figure 5] show that 28% of the anti diabetic researches emphasized on the alteration of glucose metabolism. By altering the glucose metabolism, it helps to regulate the blood sugar levels to normal and thus prevent diabetes, whereas other anti diabetic mechanisms assist in treating diabetes and its complications. Several active ingredients belonging to this category are: bassic acid, an active compound isolated from Bumelia sartorum; and, natural flavonoids such as quercetin and kaempferol as they can promote hypoglycemia through increase glucose uptake and glycogen synthesis. [27],[33],[38] Recently, researchers found that dieckol, a compound isolated from Ecklonia cava, is a potential inhibitor for α -glucosidase and α-amylase. It exhibits hypoglycaemia by reducing the impact of carbohydrates on blood sugar and is claimed to be comparable to Acarbose, a medical anti diabetic drug. [45] In addition, the effect of enhancing glucose tolerance and homeostasis have been reported in the root extracts of Berberis aristata and in comatin, an active ingredient extracted from Coprinus comatusbroth. Both extracts can prevent diabetes by reducing the severity of insulin resistance. [43],[64] The second, third and forth categories of the acting mechanisms respectively focus on hypolipidemic effect, pancreatic effect and antioxidative effect. The interactions among them are important focal points for anti diabetic research; for instance, a common secondary cause of hyperlipidemia is associated with diabetes. On one hand, some herbal plants extract such as guggulsterone isolated from Commiphora mukul and isoorientin obtained from Gentiana olivieri possess hypoglycemic and hypolipidemic properties which are suitable for obese diabetes patients; [50],[53] on the other, herbal plants extract with pancreatic effect helps to enhance insulin secretion through insulin sensitizing mechanism. Furthermore, it has been reported that mangiferin and procyanidins, the natural compounds found in several plants like apple, grape and mango, exhibit hypoglycaemic activity through enhancing insulin signaling pathway. [65],[66] As for antioxidative effect, plant extracts such as green tea, Ajuga iva aqueous extract and Chlorogenic acid from Cecropia pachystachya are capable of reducing oxidative stress and protecting against tissue damage in diabetes. [41],[57],[67] Another acting mechanism based on antioxidants such as kinsenoside, gymnemic acid and quercetin are helpful in preventing and treating Type I diabetes as they can regenerate the beta cells in Islets of Langerhans More Details in pancreas. [29],[52],[54],[68] The last two acting mechanisms associate with diabetic complication treatment and insulin-like active ingredients administration. There are a lot of diabetic complications; however, only a few are involved in research attributing to their severity. For example, Pterocarpus marsupiumextract is more effective compared to Ocimum sanctum extract as it exhibits better anti cataract effect for diabetic complication treatment. [69]Moreover, some extracts, i.e. garlic and ginger extracts, can be used to prevent and attenuate the development of nephropathy. [70] In addition, extracts isolated from Syzigium plants, i.e. S. cumini and S. aromaticum, are potential active ingredients for insulin substitutes. [71],[72] Conclusions The identified sources of plants with therapeutic value indicate that Asia has dominated more than 50% of the distribution followed by African continents which are estimated to be at 17%. Asian giants, e.g. India and China lead the research on anti diabetic plants, and correspondingly shown an increase in the related anti diabetic research trend. From the information gathered on various parts of plant, leaves are the most favorable storage sites for active ingredients. The extraction methods commonly employed in anti diabetic plant extraction are conventional methods involving solvents. However, the engineered extraction techniques such as supercritical extraction and microwave assisted extraction are gaining more attention due to the high efficiency of these techniques, and also bacuse they produce a better yield of the active ingredients. This review article also implies that the alteration of glucose metabolism by herbal plants is crucial as far as preventing diabetes is concerned.

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