Mushrooms and cancer

A major study of medicinal mushrooms by Cancer Research UK is the most comprehensive ever undertaken and was very positive.

The popular and wide spread use of medicinal mushrooms in Asia left the researchers wondering why we are not making better use of them in the West. They note, “The huge world wide sales of such products, can testify to the beliefs of many, of their efficacy.”

The Cancer Research UK team were impressed by “the remarkable ability of many of these non toxic compatible compounds to reduce the debilitating effects of traditional chemo-therapeutic drugs.’

Mushrooms have been treasured as remedies for disease and as natural health supports for thousands of years and are an incredibly popular food in most countries. Actually, world trade in mushrooms is as big as the trade in coffee.

The Cancer Research UK report continues, “These compounds have been shown to be safe when taken over long periods of treatment and significantly, these compounds appear to reduce the adverse effects of radiotherapy and chemotherapy. These results are in marked contrast to the well documented adverse side effects associated with most chemo therapeutic compounds and also to a lesser extent, certain immuno therapeutics.”

More remarkable still they found, “There are also many examples where the use of these compounds allows the reduction in dose level of the toxic chemo therapeutic compound without reduced efficacy.”

Recent studies in New Zealand show that a combination of Reishi and Cordyceps extracts had beneficial effects on the quality of life for some advanced cancer patients. Researchers believe that a mixture of the active ingredients from different mushrooms maximizes the immune response by providing multiple stimuli to the body’s natural defenses.

A fully functional immune response is critical to the recognition and elimination of tumor cells. The increased incidence of spontaneous tumors in immunosuppressed individuals indicates that the immune system provides a significant mechanism for resistance against cancer. Several major immune stimulating substances have been isolated from Reishi that have extraordinary effects on the maturation, differentiation and proliferation of many kinds of immune cells. Reishi is a proven potent activator of interferon, interleukins, tumor necrosis factor (TNF), natural killer cells (NK), T lymphocytes, tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes (TIL’s) and lymphokine activated killer cells (LAK). The spontaneous regression of some tumors is usually explained as a phenomenon of the individual’s own immune system attacking the tumor burden.

Radiotherapy and chemotherapy invariably damage or weaken the patient’s immunological defenses which may also have been damaged by the cancer itself. Although responding favorably, cancer patients are in danger of opportunistic infections that can invade their systems because unfortunately the therapy designed to kill the pathogenic cells also kills their protective immune cells. Cancer Research UK confirm that the active compounds in Reishi cause a marked increase in the action of macrophages, thus there is a heightened response to foreign cells, whether bacteria, viruses or tumor cells. The study points out, ‘It was evident from clinical trials that Reishi extract significantly enhanced the immune systems of the elderly people taking it’.

Fungi affect humans so profoundly and are such good sources of medicinally useful products because on a cellular level fungi and animals have more in common with each other than they have with higher plants. The potent ability of medicinal mushroom bioactive compounds to modulate so many important immune cells may be due to their structural diversity and variability. Polysaccharides from medicinal mushrooms have the greatest potential for structural variability and the highest capacity for carrying biological information, e.g. the number of possible permutations for four different polysaccharides is 35,560 unique tetrasaccharides, whereas four amino acids can only form 24 different permutations.

Reishi has been rated the top medicinal herb in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) for over 2000 years with Ginseng in second place and so highly treasured it was traded for its own weight in gold and only available to Emperors. It is still the most important herb in the Orient and the most thoroughly researched. The results of many hundreds of scientific and medical studies are supporting traditional health claims. It contains over 200 active ingredients and unique compounds that are the most biologically active obtainable from any plant source. In order to obtain maximum benefit Reishi is best taken as an extract because it is a very tough, woody mushroom and the raw biomass is very difficult to digest. Its dynamic antioxidant action and immune stimulating effects are why Reishi is so highly valued as a longevity herb and called ‘The Long Life Herb’, ‘The Great Protector’ and even ‘God’s Herb’.

Cordyceps is not as well researched as Reishi but Cancer Research UK suggests that, ‘Cordyceps may be useful for cancer patients due to its enhancement of cell-mediated immunity, oxygen free radical scavenging and support for cellular bioenergy systems’.

Medicinal mushrooms have latent cancer preventative properties. Studies in Japan and Brazil strongly suggest that regular consumption over prolonged periods significantly reduce the levels of cancer incidence. Cancer Research UK also found increasing experimental evidence that medicinal mushrooms can have a cancer preventative effect, demonstrating both high anti-tumor activity and restriction of tumor metastasis. A 14-year survey in Japan revealed cancer rates of workers at medicinal mushroom farms were 1 in 1000 compared to 1 in 600 for the general population.

Howell Lewis

Indoor Cultivation

Paddy Straw Mushroom: Cultivation of paddy straw mushroom using paddy straw is the oldest and commonly used technique but it gives very low mushroom yield (10-15% of dry substrate). This mushroom has the ability to grow at a higher temperature (28-35oC) It can be grown on comparatively cheaper agro-industrial wastes It is fast growing thus has very short cropping cycle (30days).

Its cultivation technology is easy . It has good acceptability at consumers’ level National Status: In India, this mushroom is cultivated under natural conditions in Orissa, West Bengal, Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu and Kerala, but with low mushroom yield. International Status: It is cultivated in most of the South East Asian countries like Taiwan, Indonesia, Thailand and China. China alone produces around 6, 00, 000 tons of this mushroom annually, both for local and foreign market.

Indoor Cultivation Technology: This technology has been perfected by using paddy straw and Cotton Ginning Mill waste. It gives higher mushroom yield (35-40% biological efficiency) and has the potential to bring the cultivation of this mushroom at semi-industrialized level.

Wetting of substrate to achieve 60-65% moisture Out door composting for 4 days Filling on racks in cropping room at a thickness of 12-15cm Pasteurization on next day with in cropping room at 62-64oC for 3-4 hours Conditioning at 45-50oC for 2-3 days till complete elimination of Ammonia Cooling of substrate to bring temperature at 30-35oC and spawning Spawn run for 4-5 days at 32-35oC Removal of plastic sheets from spawned substrate and maintaining room temperature at 28-32oC, RH-80-85%, intermittent fresh air circulation and fluorescent light for 4-5 hours/day.

Starting of first flush harvest after 9-10 days of spawning Total harvesting period of 20 days Harvesting at button stage, packaging and sale of fresh produce with in one day

Nutrition and Cancer

Nutrition &Cancer, January 2009 by Ben-Zion Zaidman, Solomon P. Wasser, Roumyana D. Petrova, Jamal Mahajna, Nesly Dotan


Prostate cancer (PCa) is the most common male malignancy in many Western countries. Primary PCa is hormone dependent and is manageable by hormonal therapy. However, it rapidly develops to hormone-refractory tumors due to the accumulation of mutations in the androgen receptor and/or the acquisition of alternative cellular pathways that support proliferation and inhibit apoptosis of prostate cancer. To date, no effective therapy is available for clinically hormone-insensitive or hormone-refractory stages of prostate cancer.ABSTRACT FROM AUTHORCopyright of Nutrition &Cancer is the property of Lawrence Erlbaum Associates and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder’s express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract.

Leggi tutto

Powerful anti-cancer phytonutrients found in medicinal mushrooms

(NaturalNews) The cure for cancer already exists. But it wasn’t created in a lab, and it wasn’t funded by pink-ribbon products or walkathons. It was created for free by Mother Nature, and it exists as a collection of literally thousands of powerful anti-cancer phytonutrients found in medicinal mushrooms.

Medicinal mushrooms contain some of the most potent medicine in the world. They are living pharmaceutical factories, but they file no patents and ask for no royalties. They just mind their own business, manufacturing healing medicines day by day, and waiting for someone wise and humble enough to come along and pick them.

Here, we’ve assembled a unique collection of supporting statements about medicinal mushrooms and cancer from some of the top authors in the industry. If you (or someone you know) suffers from any form of cancer, make sure to send them this information so they can learn what their conventional cancer doctor won’t dare tell them… that medicinal mushrooms make chemotherapy virtually obsolete!

Beating cancer with the help of medicinal mushrooms

Many of the medicinal mushrooms, including chaga mushroom, maitake mushroom, ganoderma mushroom, and cordyceps mushroom, contain cancer-preventive and cancer-fighting actions. Research has focused on the polysaccharides with beta 1,3 glucan linkages. Indole-3-carbinol is a nutrient found in large quantities in cruciferous vegetables. It is a potent antagonist of breast cancer, reducing formation of cancerous compounds from hormones and participating in blockage of cancer cell progression.
The One Earth Herbal Sourcebook: Everything You Need to Know About Chinese, Western, and Ayurvedic Herbal Treatments by Alan Keith Tillotson, Ph.D., A.H.G., D.Ay.

Other mushroom extracts that have been shown to have clinical effectiveness against human cancers are D-fraction extracted from the Maitake mushroom, and extracts from the split gill, turkey tail and Reishi mushrooms. In 1998, Maitake Products received FDA approval for an Investigational New Drug Phase II pilot study of maitake mushroom extract in the treatment of advanced breast and prostate cancer. There is also some evidence that the consumption of mushrooms in the diet may ward off cancer.
You Don’t Have to be Afraid of Cancer Anymore by Bill Sardi

As with many of the medicinal mushrooms, Shiitake has been shown to be of benefit as an adjuvant cancer therapy. It has been shown to improve specific immune markers (including natural killer cells, tumor necrosis factor, T-helper cells, and a variety of interleukins), and patient outcomes.
The Health Benefits Of Medicinal Mushrooms by Mark Stengler

Reishi is one of the most versatile medicinal mushrooms. It has long been used in Asia as an energy tonic to promote longevity and overall health. Studies indicate that reishi is an antioxidant and contains polysaccharides and other compounds that may boost the immune system. Reishi is taken to counter bacteria and viruses and has shown promise as an agent to help prevent or treat cancer, chronic fatigue syndrome, and other conditions. Russian researchers at the Cancer Research Center in Moscow have had positive results using reishi extracts to boost the immunity of cancer patients.


Cordyceps sinensis: il fungo della salute e della virilita’



CORDYCEPS SINENSIS: IL FUNGO DELLA SALUTE E DELLA VIRILITA’ Cordyceps sinensis: il nome latino non vi dirà niente, ma questa radice, o fungo, che cresce abbondante nel Tibet detiene l’invidiabile primato di essere funzionale a curare tutti i mali dei polmoni, enfisema e tumori compresi, e essere allo stesso tempo un ottimo tonico della vita sessuale. Molto più sano del viagra e molto meno pericoloso. Questa pianta che è molto usata nella medicina tradizionale cinese da millenni adesso è stata studiata scientificamente anche dalla medicina tradizionale che ha confermato per via empirica le sue proprietà. In particolare si è parlato di essa alcuni giorni fa durante un importante convegno tenutosi a Roma dove si sono incontrati cattedratici italiani e cinesi, alcuni dei quali esperti nell’ago puntura e nella cura con le medicine tradizionali cinesi, come il Professor He Jialang. Docente al Zhejiang chinese medical university in Cina e noto agopuntore in Italia. Jialang, insieme a un cattedratico italiano, il noto immunologo professor Samuele Paparo, della seconda facoltà di Medicina de La Sapienza a Roma, e insieme ad altri due accademici cinesi, padre e figlio (Yueai Ke e Chuaiti Ke) dell’Institute of mediacl reserach dell’Univesità di San Diego in California e al professor Yong Sheng Fan della Zhejiang medical chinese University, hanno lavorato insieme su questa radice per dimostrarne le sorprendenti proprietà. Negli scorsi anni questa pianta dal nome difficile da ricordare ha ricevuto costanti e sempre maggiori attenzioni da parte dei chimici e dei biologi oltre che dei medici veri e propri. Il segreto di questa radice sta nel riuscire a bilanciare perfettamente i linfociti Th1 e Th2 che sono molto importanti per le risposte immunitarie dell’organismo. Polmoni di animali di laboratorio ridotti molto male per cause di vario tipo hanno riottenuto la loro elasticità dopo trattamenti con il cordyceps. E la chimica non ha fatto altro che confermare quanto i medici che curano i pazienti con le piante classiche della medicina tradizionale cinese sanno da millenni. Inoltre questa pianta potrebbe avere effetti benefici preventivi contro molte forme di tumore. Naturalmente, come su accennato, il piatto forte per la commercializzazione consiste anche nell’ essere da sempre apprezzata come un tonico vagamente afrodisiaco. Ma non da “one shot a time”, come le pastiglie blu della Pfizer, bensì come un farmaco che migliora stabilmente la vita sessuale aiutando la salute. C’è da dire che l’eccessiva domanda di questa radice, che è venduta in Italia soprattutto via internet o in erboristerie molto specializzate, sta ponendo seri problemi ambientali al Tibet dove prevalentemente si trova. Si vende anche una forma di parassita fungino di questa pianta che in pratica avrebbe gi stessi effetti e si spera in futuro di potere produrre il suo principio attivo in laboratorio. Così si potrà continuare a usufruire dei suoi incredibili effetti senza che i tibetani debbano lamentare troppi danni ambientali. Dimitri Buffa
