Immunostimolo x CFS

2) Miglioramento del sistema immunitario per il trattamento di CFS e fibromialgia


Le immunoglobuline sono gli anticorpi.

E’ una molecola proteica, prodotta da speciali cellule del sistema immunitario dell’organismo come risposta alla presenza di agenti esterni in esso penetrati, come virus, batteri, protozoi, funghi, cellule tumorali o di tessuti, che vengono riconosciuti come estranei per la presenza sulla loro superficie di molecole dette antigeni. Gli anticorpi vengono prodotti nel sangue da un particolare tipo di cellule, le plasmacellule, derivanti dalla differenziazione dei linfociti B in presenza dell’antigene. La funzione degli anticorpi è quella di riconoscere l’agente estraneo e di renderlo inoffensivo, con modalità che possono essere varie.

Tipi di anticorpi e struttura
La forma della molecola di un anticorpo può essere rappresentata come una Y, formata da quattro catene proteiche (due ‘pesanti’ e due ‘leggere’): alcune porzioni della molecola sono uguali per tutti gli anticorpi, mentre altre sono caratteristiche di ciascun tipo di anticorpo e gli conferiscono proprietà specifiche. Gli anticorpi, definiti anche immunoglobuline, sono generalmente indicati con l’abbreviazione Ig; in base alle differenze di struttura e funzione, sono classificati in cinque classi, indicate con le lettere A, D, E, G e M. Le immunoglobuline IgM costituiscono il primo tipo di anticorpo che il neonato è in grado di produrre, e anche il primo tipo che, nell’adulto, viene sintetizzato in presenza di un’infezione; le IgG, o gammaglobuline, sono gli anticorpi predominanti nel siero e compaiono quando l’organismo viene esposto per la seconda volta a uno stesso antigene; le IgE sono gli anticorpi prodotti in seguito a reazioni allergiche; le IgA sono costantemente presenti nella saliva, nel tubo digerente e nel latte materno; il ruolo delle IgD è sconosciuto.

Modalità d’azione
Il riconoscimento di un antigene da parte di un anticorpo avviene in modo specifico grazie al fatto che la struttura dell’anticorpo è complementare a quella dell’antigene: ciò permette alle due molecole di legarsi in modo analogo alla combinazione di una chiave con la corrispondente serratura. Gli anticorpi, dopo avere riconosciuto le sostanze antigeniche poste su cellule estranee e dopo essersi legati a esse, possono neutralizzare queste cellule con due modalità: 1) mediante l’attivazione del sistema del complemento, cioè di proteine plasmatiche che ne perforano la membrana; 2) attivando particolari cellule sanguigne che inglobano e distruggono quelle intruse con un processo di fagocitosi.
Dopo essere stato a contatto con un dato antigene, l’organismo continua a produrre per un certo numero di giorni anticorpi specifici; dopo avere raggiunto un valore massimo, la produzione decresce e infine si arresta. In alcuni casi, l’organismo mantiene nel suo sangue alcuni anticorpi per quell’antigene: esso, cioè, resta immunizzato in modo permanente, il che si verifica, ad esempio, in alcune malattie come la varicella. La produzione di anticorpi nell’organismo può essere stimolata con l’inoculazione di vaccini.
I tipi di anticorpi che ogni organismo può sintetizzare è estremamente elevato, dato che elevato è il numero delle sostanze che si comportano da antigeni: in realtà, qualsiasi sostanza che viene introdotta nel corpo è estranea a esso e quindi può agire da antigene. Esistono alcune patologie in cui l’organismo non è più in grado di riconoscere come proprie alcune sue parti, e produce anticorpi contro di esse. Malattie di questo tipo sono in genere definite malattie autoimmuni e comprendono, ad esempio, il lupus eritematoso sistemico e la sclerosi multipla.

Anticorpi monoclonali
Un clone di linfociti B o di plasmacellule è costituito da un gruppo di cellule identiche, che producono un unico tipo di anticorpo, diretto contro uno specifico antigene. Tali proprietà vennero sfruttate nel 1975 da Cesar Milstein e Georges Köhler, che svilupparono una tecnica in cui alcuni linfociti B clonali, prelevati dalla milza di un topo, venivano fusi con cellule tumorali, dando luogo a cellule ibride, o ibridomi, in grado di produrre grandi quantità di anticorpo specifico (caratteristica del clone di linfociti), riproducendosi continuamente (caratteristica della cellula tumorale). Questi anticorpi, definiti anticorpi monoclonali, sono in breve tempo diventati un prezioso strumento diagnostico e di ricerca per biologi e medici. I comuni test di gravidanza venduti in farmacia agiscono, ad esempio, in base al riconoscimento, da parte di un anticorpo monoclonale, di un antigene presente nell’urina delle donne gravide. Per la messa a punto della tecnica di produzione degli anticorpi monoclonali, nel 1984 ai due ricercatori sopra citati è stato conferito il premio Nobel per la medicina o la fisiologia.

Uno studio controllato di G immunoglobuline per via endovenosa nella sindrome da stanchezza cronica.
Immunoglobulina endovenosa è efficace nel trattamento di pazienti con sindrome da stanchezza cronica.
Fonte: “da affaticato a Fantastic” da Jacob Teitelbaum, M.D.

• Proteina del timo-(aka – Proboost e Bio Pro A) – sciogliere il contenuto di 1 bustina sotto la vostra linguetta – qualsiasi che viene ingerito è distrutto! Prendere tre volte al giorno per 12 settimane, poi 1 al giorno per 6 settimane. Anche prendere 3 volte al giorno al primo segno di qualsiasi infezione fino a quando l’infezione si risolve (è circa $1,80 un pacchetto).Disponibile dal nostro ufficio (800 333 5287 o Funziona nelle prime 24 ore per le infezioni acute, ma prende 2-3 mesi a lavorare per infezioni croniche.
• argento colloidale-(disponibile nel nostro negozio web o ingrosso da o 888 328 8840).Vedere # 75.
• _ Leuko-Stim (Ultraceuticals) – questo mix stimola principalmente la funzione immunitaria, ma le foglie di olivo possono anche avere proprietà anti-virali. Contiene Estratto di foglie di olivo, Beta 1,3 glucano, Maitake Mushroom Extract e arabinogalattano.
• Maitake d frazione 30 (Ultraceuticals) – con 330 mg di maitake mushroom extract (un eccellente stimolante immunitario).
• Gamma globuline – 2 cc IM 1-2 x settimana o 4 cc IM ogni 1-2 settimane per 6 settimane, poi come stati necessari. Può “jump start” il sistema immunitario. Costi ~ $38 per dose di 2 cc.
• ImmPower – capsule da 500 mg – prendere 2 capsule 3 volte al giorno per 3 settimane. Quindi prendere 1 due volte al giorno.Questo prodotto naturale triple alcune componenti importanti (natural killer cells) del sistema immunitario. È costoso.
• Isoprinosine (inosina pranobex) – 500 mg compresse: settimane 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 e 11 prendono 2 schede 3 x giorno Lunedi al venerdì. Settimane 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 e 12 prendono 2 compresse al mattino lunedì-venerdì.

Altri Immunostimolanti naturali

Uncaria tormentosa


La sensibilità chimica multipla, in inglese Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS), secondo la definizione che ne dà il National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences statunitense, è una malattia causata dall’impossibilità di una persona a tollerare un dato ambiente chimico o una classe di sostanze chimiche.
Spesso confusa con allergie di vario genere, con disurbi psichiatrici, del comportamento, si manifesta disturbi soggettivi della salute, simili nella MCS e in numerose altre condizioni simili, come la spossatezza, il dolore muscolo-scheletrico cronico, comuni nella sindrome da affaticamento cronico e nella fibromialgia.
Questi disturbi sono basati su sensazioni che per la maggior parte delle persone rientrano tra i normali processi fisiologici; in alcuni individui queste sensazioni diventano intollerabili.
Le persone cui è stata diagnosticata una MCS dichiarano di soffrire di disturbi estremamente vari, generici ed aspecifici; non esistono infatti due pazienti che presentano i medesimi sintomi o la medesima risposta ad una stessa sostanza o situazione, aspetto che contribuisce a renderne ulteriormente dubbia la reale esistenza come patologia organica riconoscibile.
Sintomi comunemente lamentati nella MCS sono spesso aspecifici:
 difficoltà respiratorie, dolori toracici e asma
 irritazione della pelle, dermatiti da contatto, orticaria ed altre forme di eruzione cutanea
 emicrania
 astenia marcata e non spiegabile in alcun modo, senso di affaticamento e letargia
 “annebbiamento mentale” (amnesia a breve termine, disfunzioni cognitive)
 modificazioni della personalità acute ed improvvise (attacchi di panico, fobie, aggressività immotivata)
 difficoltà digestive, nausea, indigestione, bruciore di stomaco, vomito, diarrea
 multiple intolleranze a cibi, più o meno clinicamente identificabili (ad esempio intolleranza al lattosio e celiachia)
 dolore ai muscoli e alle articolazioni
 vertigine e capogiro
 senso dell’olfatto ipersensibilizzato, ipersensibilità alle fragranze vegetali (terpeni) e di origine sintetica
Tali sintomi si accompagnano spesso a depressione e stati ansiosi.
Le persone affette da Mcs non possono stare a contatto con una lunghissima lista di sostanze e oggetti tra cui solventi, vernici, colla, combustibili e gas di scarico delle auto, pesticidi, fungicidi, insetticidi, materiale di arredo nuovi, produzioni di legno, detersivi, cloro, ammoniaca, articoli profumati, materiale odontoiatrico, disinfettanti, gas anestetici, medicamenti e odori vari di cibi e bevande.
Le terapie disponibili in Medicina Integrata si avvalgono di varie procedure di disintossicazione, mediante rimedi omeopatici e fitoterapici, di sostegno ai principali organi emuntori(fegato, reni, pelle), della supplementazione di vitamine, antiossidanti, prodotti antinfiammatori di origine naturale, dieta con cibi di origine biologica certificata, uso di vestiti privi il più possibile di sostanze chimiche non tollerate, ma la principale misura che ad oggi i malati debbono sempre tenere presente è l’evitamento dei luoghi che percepiscono come non salutari.

Immune Assist

Immune Assist

1) IMMUNE-ASSIST™ Research Summary
Medicinal Mushroom Polysaccharide Blend – Immune Enhancing Complex
Research Summary

SEPTEMBER 19, 2009

Recent scientific research has shown that medicinal mushrooms grown on vegetable sources (such as millet, rice bran, buckwheat, barley, etc.) enzymatically activate a process whereby complex cross-linked polysaccharides from the vegetable sources are converted to biologically active immunomodulators (also known as biological response modifiers). As you will see from the discussion below, the polysaccharides produced by this process are effective and safe immune stimulants.
Medicinal mushroom research has focused on discovering compounds that can modulate positively or negatively the biological response of immune cells. Certain mushroom derived-glucans and polysaccharide-bound proteins have been shown to act as immunomodulators or biological response modifiers (BRMs), where these polymers interact with the immune system to upregulate or downregulate specific aspects of the responses of the host and this may result in various therapeutic effects. Whether certain compounds enhance or suppress immune responses can depend on a number of factors including dosage, route of administration, timing and frequency of administration, mechanism of action or the site of activity. Many mushroom-derived polysaccharides appear to fit the accepted criteria for BRM compounds. They cause no harm and place no additional stress on the body, they assist the body to adapt to the various environmental and psychological stresses, and they have a non-specific action on the body, supporting all the major systems, including nervous, hormonal, and immune systems, as well as regulatory functions.
The anti-tumor polysaccharides isolated from mushrooms (fruit-body, submerged, cultured mycelial biomass or liquid culture broth) are either water-soluble β-D-glucans, β-D-glucans with heterosaccharide chains of xylose, mannose, galactose, or uronic acid or β-D-glucan-protein complexes – proteoglycans.
While the role of medicinal mushrooms in immunomodulation and anti-cancer activities represents the central theme of much of the conducted research, it is pertinent to observe that many of the medicinal mushrooms have been highly valued for other medicinal properties including hypercholesterolemia, high blood pressure, diabetes, anti-viral, anti-bacteria, and antioxidant and free radical scavenging.
The safety criteria for mushroom-derived β-glucans have been exhaustively carried out in pre-clinical experiments. Acute, subacute, and chronic toxicity tests have been carried out together with administration during pregnancy and lactation with no adverse effects. There were no anaphylactic reactions and no effects in mutagenicity and haemolysis tests, blood coagulation and a wide range of other regulatory tests. There was no evidence of genotoxicity. Similar results have been obtained with other β-glucans. When applied to humans in Phase 1 clinical tests, the β-glucans demonstrate remarkably few adverse clinical reactions.
In the 2001 report Medicinal Mushrooms: Their Therapeutic Properties and Current Medical Usage with Special Emphasis on Cancer Treatments, a wide variety of mushroom polysaccharides, including Lentinan (from L. edodes), Schizophyllan (from S. commune), PSK and PSP (from Trametes versicolor), and Grifron-D (from the Maitake mushroom G. frondosa) and others are described, and their properties are shown to satisfy the criteria for BRMs. Many of these mushroom-derived polymers potentiate the host’s innate (non-specific) and acquired (specific) immune responses in a similar manner, where they activate many kinds of immune cells that are vitally important for the maintenance of homeostasis. Key innate responses that are stimulated by these mushroom derived-β-glucans or polysaccharide-protein complexes include host T-cells (such as cytotoxic macrophages, monocytes, neutrophils, natural killer cells, and dendritic cells) and chemical messengers (cytokines such as interleukins, interferon and colony stimulating factors) that trigger complement and acute phase responses. Moreover, mushroom polysaccharides or polysaccharide-protein complexes are considered as multi-cytokine inducers that are able to induce gene expression of various immunomodulatory cytokines and cytokine receptors. In addition, acquired responses are also enlisted, where lymphocytes that govern antibody production (B cells) and cell-mediated cytotoxicity (T-cells) are stimulated. While the immune system is shrouded in tremendous complexity, our current understanding shows that it is regulated in an orchestrated dynamic manner.
Mushroom-derived polysaccharides have shown anti-tumour activities in both pre-clinical models and in clinical trials. Although the mechanism of their anti-tumour action is still not completely clear, Lentinan, Schizophyllan, PSP, PSK and other mushroom polysaccharides appear to mediate their anti-tumour activity by activation or augmentation of the host’s immune system (via stimulated cytotoxic macrophages, cytotoxic T-cells and antibody-mediated cytoxicity of targeted cancer cells), rather than direct cytotoxicity. Thus, both cell-mediated immune responses against the target T-cells initiated by macrophage-lymphocyte interactions and cytoxicity induced by antibodies to target T-cells are believed to contribute to the elimination of targeted tumour cells. Recent evidence suggests that several mushroom polysaccharides may also possess cytotoxic properties. Grifron-D from G. fondosa mushroom was reported to induce apoptosis (programmed cell death) in human prostate cancer cell-lines.
In China , Japan , Korea and more recently in the USA hundreds of mushroom species have been studied during the past 20 years.  Extracts from most of the medicinal mushrooms show a common property of enhancing immune function by modulating cell-mediated immunity.  Simply put, such mushroom extracts seem to turn on cells in the immune system, which appear to have significant disease-fighting properties.  In fact, three different anticancer drugs extracted from mushrooms have been approved by the Japanese equivalent of FDA (that is, the Japanese Health and Welfare Ministry). These three are lentinan, derived from shiitake; PSK, derived from coriolus versicolor; and schizophyllan, derived from suehirotake.
Based on the latest research a USA-based company (Aloha Medicinals, Inc.) has formulatedIMMUNE-ASSIST™ Daily Formula – a combination of more than 200 different polysaccharides, derived from the enzymatic breakdown of complex organic plant material from six different species of medicinal mushrooms. These include Agaricus blazei, Cordyceps sinensis hybrid, Lentinula edodes (shiitake), Grifola frondosa (maitake), Ganoderma lucidum (reshi), and Coriolus versicolor. IMMUNE-ASSIST™ Daily Formula contains simple polysaccharides similar to many other products on the market, but it also contains much more complex polysaccharides like the cross-linked beta mannans and beta-glucans, as well as hetero-polysaccharides which combine both alpha- and beta-bound monosaccharides into the same molecule. This is why Immune-Assist™ shows such a greater range of immuno-modulation bioactivity than other bran based supplements. Included among the important substances in Immune-Assist™ are Arabinoxylane, Lentinan, Grifolan (Dr. Nanba’s original Maitake D-Fraction), PSK and PSP, and Active Hemicellulose Correlated Compound (AHCC).
Below we provide a brief summary of the research and clinical studies for each of the mushrooms contained in IMMUNE-ASSIST™ Daily Formula:
Shiitake is now the most popular and most cultivated exotic mushroom in the world. In China, shiitake has a history that dates back to the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644 ACE).  The mushroom was used not only as a food but was taken as a remedy for upper respiratory diseases, poor blood circulation, liver trouble, exhaustion and weakness, and to boost chi, or life energy.  It was also believed to prevent premature aging.  Today the shiitake is recognized for its antitumor action and has been extensively researched in regard to its immunologic activity.  The initial antitumor research was performed in 1969 by Tetsuro Ikekawa at Purdue University, along with colleagues at the National Cancer Center Research Institute in Tokyo.  The researchers found that water extracts of shiitake produced high rates of tumor inhibition in mice (72 percent to 92 percent).  Ikekawa later identified a polysaccharide in shiitake called lentinan as having powerful antitumor activity.
Coriolus (or Trametes) versicolor is the most thoroughly clinically researched mushroom. An extract of Coriolus versicolor known as PSK is sold in Europe and Japan. It is the best-selling cancer drug in the world and recently accounted for more than 25% of Japan’s total national expenditure for anticancer agents. In addition to possessing many different antitumor properties, it is also an immunostimulant; demonstrates anti-viral activity; enhances T-cell proliferation; and has been shown to improve both disease-free and survival rates in cancer patients. In an 8-year clinical test of breast cancer patients, and in another 5-year study, it was shown that the polysaccharide compounds contained within Coriolus versicolor work particularly well as an adjuvant for cancer therapies, exhibiting diverse biological activities.
Maitake may be even more potent than any of the other mushrooms previously studied. This legendary giant mushroom has been studied for its anticancer, anti-diabetic, anti-hypertensive and anti-hyperlipemic effects since the mid-1980s. Its anti-HIV activity in vitro was demonstrated in tests conducted by the Japan Institute of Health and the U.S. National Cancer Institute in early 1992.  Among various extracts obtained from the Maitake mushroom, a specific extracted fraction named Maitake D-fraction is the active constituent. This extract contains beta-1, 3-glucans and beta-1, 6-glucans protein-bound polysaccharides. It has demonstrated remarkable antitumor activity by activating the immune system through oral administration.
The Chinese have long used Cordyceps sinensis to promote overall good health, and modern research indicates that it does indeed support liver, kidney, heart, and immune system function. Cordyceps sinensis has been used to protect the bone marrow and digestive systems of mice from whole body irradiation. One experiment noted that Cordyceps may protect the liver from damage. An experiment with mice indicated the mushroom may have an anti-depressant effect. Researchers have observed that Cordyceps has a hypoglycemic effect and may be beneficial for people with insulin resistance. Cordyceps mushroom extracts have been shown to stimulate the number of T helper cells, prolong the survival of lymphocytes, enhance TNF-alpha and interleukin 1 production, and increase the activity of natural killer cells. One study indicates that cordyceps can stimulate progesterone production in animal cells. Another study has shown that cordyceps may be effective against tumor cells by down-regulating MHC class II antigen expression. In addition, historical use data suggests that cordyceps can cause a reduction of cyclosporin and aminoglycoside-induced renal toxicity.
Reishi possess anti-tumor, immunomodulary, and immunotherapeutic activities, supported by studies on polysaccharides, terpene, and other bioactive compounds isolated from fruiting bodies and mycelia of this fungus. It has also been found to inhibit platelet aggregation, and to lower blood pressure (via inhibition of angiotensin-converting enzyme), cholesterol and blood sugar. Laboratory studies have shown anti-neoplastic effects of fungal extracts or isolated compounds against some types of cancer. In an animal model, Reishi has been reported to prevent cancer metastasis, with potency comparable to Lentinan from shiitake mushrooms. The mechanisms by which Reishi affect cancer may target different stages of cancer development include: 1) inhibition of angiogenesis (formation of new, tumor-induced blood vessels created to supply nutrients to the tumor) mediated by cytokines, 2) cytotoxicity, 3) inhibition of migration of the cancer cells and metastasis, and 4) inducing and enhancing apoptosis of tumor cells. Besides effects on mammalian physiology, Reishiis reported to have anti-bacterial and anti-viral activities. Reishi is reported to exhibit direct anti-viral effects with the following viruses: HSV-1, HSV-2, and influenza.
Agaricus blazei is an edible mushroom native to Brazil and cultivated in Japan and the USA for its medicinal uses. It has been used to treat arteriosclerosis, hepatitis, hyperlipidemia, diabetes, dermatitis, and cancer. In vitro experiments and studies done in mice have shown that Agaricus has immunomodulatory, antitumor, and antimutagenic properties. The polysaccharides and anti-angiogenic compounds present in Agaricus are thought to be responsible for its antitumor properties. Such effects are believed to be exerted by immunopotentiation or direct inhibition of angiogenesis. A recent randomized study showed that oral administration of Agaricus extract improved the natural killer cell activity and quality of life in gynecological cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy. Agaricus was also shown to have antidiabetic effects in vitro and in animal studies. In addition, results from a study done in human subjects with type 2 diabetes suggest benefits of Agaricus extract in improving insulin resistance, and a pilot study indicates that Agaricus extract may reduce weight, BMI, body fat, and serum glucose and cholesterol levels in healthy individuals.
AHCC is produced by from the enzymatic action of vegetable sources with mycelial extracts from several different mushrooms. There is about four times more AHCC in each dose ofImmune-Assist™ than there is in other AHCC products on the market.
AHCC is a food substance that contains a broad range of polysaccharides. It is believed that a special polysaccharide with a molecular weight of about 5,000 and an alpha 1,4 glucan linkage in this mushroom extract is primarily responsible for the powerful immune enhancing effects on natural killer cells. A heavier polysaccharide in the extract appears to have a powerful stimulating effect on macrophages which, in turn, further stimulates the immune system including a number of cytokines (Interleukin-2, Interleukin-12, Tumor Necrosis Factor [TNF], and Interferon).  Furthermore, some research has indicated that components of AHCC may have direct cytotoxic effects on cancer cells and prevent metastases from occurring.
The human immune system is comprised of more than 130 subsets of white blood cells. Natural Killer (NK) cells make up roughly 15% of all human white blood cells. They provide the first line of defense for dealing with any form of invasion to the body. Each NK cell contains several small granules that act as chemical destroyers. Once an NK cell has recognized a cancer cell, for example, it attaches itself to the cell’s outer membrane and injects these granules directly into the interior of the cell. The granules then destroy the cancer cell within five minutes. The undamaged NK cell then moves on to other cancer cells and repeats the process. When the immune system is particularly strong, active NK cells will often take on more than one cancer cells or other infected cells at the same time.
Unlike other white blood cells, inadequate numbers of NK cells are very rarely a problem. Instead, it is the activity of the cells that generally determines whether one is sick or healthy. As long as the NK cells are active, everything remains under control. If NK cells lose their ability to either recognize or destroy the invader, however, the situation can deteriorate rapidly. In AIDS and cancer patients, NK cell activity is probably the primary criteria for estimating the chances of survival. It’s commonly accepted that when NK cells cease to function, the end is near.
In addition, research has now confirmed that individuals with low NK cell activity are significantly more susceptible to autoimmune diseases, chronic fatigue syndrome, viral infections and the development of cancerous tumors.
Doctors can test NK cell activity with a test called the NK cell function test. Basically, a blood sample is taken from the patient and placed in a vial containing live tumor cells. After four hours, a count is taken to determine what percentage of the cancer cells have been destroyed by the NK cells. The higher the percentage, the more active the cells. This test is referred to as the 4 hour Chromium-release assay. Your doctor can order the test from Immune Sciences Lab in Beverly Hills, CA at 310-657-1077.
The capacity of Immune-Assist™ to boost NK activity and overall immunity appears to stem from the following:
1) Immune-Assist™ increases the number of explosive granules in NK cells. The more granules an NK cell carries, the more cancer and virus-infected cells it can destroy,
2) Oral ingestion of Immune-Assist™ can increase NK activity as much as 300% (or even higher),
3) It increases interferon (IFN) levels. Interferon is another potent compound produced by the body that both inhibits the replication of viruses and other parasites and increases NK cell activity,
4) Immune-Assist™ increases the formation of Tumor Necrosis Factors (TNFs). TNFs are a group of proteins that help destroy cancer cells,
5) It increases number and the activity of other lymphocytes, especially T-cells (up to 200%) and macrophages,
6) It stimulates cytokine (IL-2, IL-12, TNF, and IFN) production, which stimulates immune function.
Unlike most forms of cancer treatment, Immune-Assist™ is totally non-toxic.  After years of use and continued toxicity tests, there has never been any indication of toxicity or side effects whatsoever.  Most likely, this is because Immune-Assist’s primary function is to enhance the activity of the immune system rather than to attack cancer cells directly. This also helps explain why it seems to work well for all types of cancer.
Immune-Assist™ fills a gap left by many of the other natural therapies, in particular, the class of therapies known as angiogenesis inhibitors.  Angiogenesis inhibitors work by cutting off the blood supply to tumors. Whether they are natural products like shark cartilage or pharmaceutical ones like endostatin and angiostatin, these angiogenesis inhibitors aren’t very effective at treating blood cancers such as leukemia, lymphatic cancer or lung cancer.
Because leukemia is a cancer of the blood cells themselves, cutting off the blood supply to these cells is impossible. With lymphatic cancer, it’s the lymphatic fluids, not blood vessels, that supply lymph cells with all of their necessary nutrients, so again, cutting off the blood supply is useless. Also, because the lungs have such a rich and complex supply of blood vessels, there is no effective way to restrict blood flow to that area.
None of these factors prevent Immune-Assist™ from doing its job. By increasing the activity of NK cells, which naturally reside and circulate in the blood and lymph systems, Immune-Assist™ can be used effectively for all of these cancers. The NK cells don’t have to penetrate deep into massive hard tumors to get to active cancer cells—they simply identify and eliminate the cancer cells they “encounter” in the blood or lymph.
A clinical trial conducted between August 2000 and April 2001 at the People’s Hospital of Lishui City, Zhejiang Province, People’s Republic of China, showing the clinical manifestations of a mixture of six Medicinal Mushroom extracts as an adjunct therapy to improve the immune function of cancer patients undergoing other therapies. Methods: the Zhejiang Qingyuan Fungi Medicinal & Health Products Co., Ltd produced the experimental mixture used in this clinical trial. This mixture was formulated and is marketed in the United States of America under the trade name Immune-Assist where it has shown good results in cancer treatment. This mixture includes Alpha and Beta-Glucans and other polysaccharides, extracted from the following well-known species of medicinal mushrooms: Agaricus blazei (polysaccharide >40%), Lentinus edodes (polysaccharide >25%), Grifola frondosa (polysaccharide >28%), Ganoderma lucidum (polysaccharide >20%), Coriolus versicolor (polysaccharide >30%), and Cordyceps sinensis mycelium (polysaccharide >30%).
These six extracts were mixed together into tablet form and co-administered along with chemotherapy or radiation therapy to the patients undergoing treatment as a daily regimen. This trial was conducted among 56 cancer patients, 30 chosen to receive the Medicinal Mushroom extract mix and another 26 comparable patients as a control group, receiving the accepted pharmaceutical drug Polyactin-A ™ as a control group. All patients were in the middle-late stages (Stage 3 and 4) of cancer. Polyactin-A is made by Taixing Medicine Company, Ltd. in Chengdu, PRC and the lot number used was 20000327. Results: There are significant differences between the experimental group and the control group. The experimental group of patients had improvements in the disease progression and Quality of Life measurements as compared to the control group of cancer patients. Discussion: This formulation of mixed polysaccharides, made up from the six species of Medicinal Mushrooms named, has great potential as a new health product for the improvement of immunity and showing high effectiveness and non-toxicity for use in cancer patients undergoing conventional therapy.
A clinical trial was conducted using Immune–Assist Brand mushroom extract mixture for the treatment of Alcoholic Liver Disease and hyperlipidemia. Through this study the preparation method, the quality control standards, the medicinal function and the safety and toxicity study, it was found that this preparation was both safe and effective, and shows great potential as a preventive and health care medicine for treating and curing the disease of alcoholic liver and hyperlipidemia. We found that this polysaccharide mixture could not only restrain the alcohol-induced damage to the liver cells, but also enhances the restoration of liver function and decreases blood lipids. The results were significant and safe. This compound shows great promise for use in clinical therapy.
Alcohol is used widely throughout society, and often for medicinal purposes such as to stimulate the appetite, cure pain, and eliminate fatigue and as a disinfectant. But alcohol use is more often indicated in health problems, for example a wide range of acute and chronic diseases and behavioral dysfunction. Chronic alcoholism has become a global social problem. In America alone, an estimated 100,000 people die annually due to the abuse of alcohol. The economic burden in this one country is estimated to be about 100 billion dollars a year. Chronic alcoholism has become a familiar disease in many other countries as well. Because of this, many experts at home and abroad have been studying effective ways to restrain the damage to liver cells caused by chronic abuse of alcohol, and ways of treating or curing the fibrosis of the liver resultant of chronic alcohol abuse. In recent years, science has found that the polysaccharides extracted from edible mushrooms have various biologically active functions. The city of Lishui, which lies in the southwest of the Zhejiang province of China, has a rich resource of edible mushrooms, and a long history of the use of medicinal mushrooms. A thorough review of the literature and customs of this area has shown that these mushrooms can protect the liver, decrease blood lipids and improve immune function. According to this long history of folk-usage, a modern extraction method was developed to produce an effective medicinal mushroom polysaccharide combination. This mushroom extract combination is marketed in America under the brand name Immune-Assist Critical Care Formula by Aloha Medicinals Inc. The components of this formula are alcohol precipitated hot water extracts of Lentinula edodes, Grifola frondosa, Coriolus [Trametes] versicolor, Agaricus blazei, Ganoderma lucidum, Cordyceps sinensis, and the extra-cellular compounds derived from the spent culture broth of liquid-fermented Cordyceps sinensis. From April of 2001 to May of 2002, this research group used the Immune-Assist formula in the treatment of alcoholic liver disease and hyperlipidemia. The tablets used in this study were 500 mg each of active ingredients containing 400 mg mixture of very complex polysaccharides, mainly (d)beta-glucans of differing structures, primarily 1↔3 main chain structure with 1↔6 side branching. With more than 200 differing polysaccharide structures, there are many other polysaccharides present besides these prototypical and well-understood mushroom-derived immunomodulator compounds. The PRC government research authorization number granted to this project was 99-118. The primary research results are as follows.
Each tablet contains 500 mg mixture of active ingredients consisting of equal parts of the following: Lentinula edodes polysaccharides (Lentinan), Grifola frondosa polysaccharides (Maitake D-Fraction), Trametes versicolor protein-bound polysaccharides (PSK and PSP), Cordyceps sinensis Polysaccharides and exo-polysaccharides, Agaricus blazei Polysaccharide and Ganoderma lucidum polysaccharides. These polysaccharides were extracted from full spectrum mycoproducts grown by sterile tissue culture using a proprietary two step extraction and purification process consisting of extraction with hot water, repeated 4 times at 98-99 degrees C, concentration of the water extract portion under reduced pressure, then addition of 4 times the volume of pharmaceutical grade ethanol, which causes the purified polysaccharides, protein bound polysaccharides and heteropolysaccharides to precipitate from the solution, thus separating the alcohol soluble portion. The precipitated polysaccharide compounds are then collected and spray dried. This purified protein-polysaccharide complex is blended with pharmaceutical binders and excipients to manufacture tablets as per usual protocols used in tableting.
All the results gathered suggest that the mushroom polysaccharide combination Immune-Assist has apparent and profound function in decreasing the blood cholesterol and triglycerides, and at the same time has obvious effect for the chemical protection and repair of the damaged liver. Edible mushrooms have many good medicinal functions and bio-active compounds and can improve the patient’s overall resistance and disease dormancy period, increase the appetite, ameliorate fatigue, regulate and enhance the patient’s immunity, etc. By consuming these mushrooms the body’s nonspecific immunity is enhanced, there is a measurable improvement in the secretion of IgA, an increase in the function of mononuclear-phagocytes and in the activity of the NK cells, regulation of the immune balance, resistance to the alcoholic damage of liver cell efficiency and acceleration of the restoration and regeneration of damaged liver tissue cells. This study shows that edible fungi have certain curative effect on chemically induced liver damage and in blood fat reduction. Edible fungi can play an important role in the clinical treatment for these conditions.
Presented here are the results of a study conducted on 60 patients with chronic hepatitis B over a two year period, evaluating the value of adding proprietary Immune-Assist™ brand of medicinal mushroom polysaccharide mixture as an adjunct to conventional therapy in order to achieve greater effectiveness than can be provided by the conventional therapy alone.
In recent years it has been found that the polysaccharides extracted from edible fungi have various biological activity functions, including immune enhancement. The city of Lishui, which lies in the south-west of Zhejiang province, is one of the major mushroom cultivation districts in China and has rich resources of these edible fungi. It is a long-standing tradition for the populace of this area to use the edible fungi as part of their medicine. While researching the traditional medicine and folk recipes of the people of this area, there is found a widespread belief that edible fungi can protect the liver, reduce obesity and improve overall immunity. In accordance with this traditional belief, this study was conducted using modern extraction methods in the preparation of a mushroom polysaccharide mixture according to the formula ofImmune-Assist Critical Care Formula™, a proprietary health supplement developed as a joint project between the Government of Zhejiang province and a privately held American company, Aloha Medicinals Inc. This mixture is manufactured and distributed in the United States of America by Aloha Medicinals Inc. The formula is composed of alcohol precipitated hot water extracts of six species of medicinal mushrooms: Lentinula edodes, Agaricus blazei, Grifola frondosa, Coriolus [Trametes] versicolor, Ganoderma lucidum and two types of Cordyceps sinensis extracts, one from the mycelium and one from the culture broth of liquid-fermented Cordyceps sinensis. We tested this mixture concurrently with the accepted druglamivudine in the cure of chronic hepatitis. With lamivudine therapy alone, the rate of hepatitis Be antigen converting from positive to negative is 10%-20% with a full years’ course of therapy, and this antibody sero-conversion to negative increases by continuous use oflamivudine continuously year after year. Because of this long period of treatment, there is concern that the virus will induce genetic variation, as well as some patients discontinuing the therapy after time due to economic hardship. From February 2000 to August 2001, our research group used this mushroom polysaccharide formula and lamivudine together to treat hepatitis B for 9 months. From April in 2001 to May in 2002, the research group used this mushroom polysaccharide tablet and lamivudine together to treat hepatitis B compounded with hyperlipidemia with good results. The PRC government clinical trial sanction number for this trial is 99-118. Each tablet contains 500 mg total active ingredients derived from the six species of mushrooms, of which 400 mg consists of amylase reactable polysaccharides. The primary research results are as follows: After 9 months of treatment, a comparison of the rate of hepatitis antibodies converting from positive to negative showed 20 cases of HBeAg in the experimental group convert to negative (62.5%), while only 8 cases of HbeAg in the comparison group convert to negative (28.6%). The sero-conversion rate of these two groups is significant. From this trial we find that the mushroom polysaccharides can play an important roll in curing hepatitis B, and this mushroom polysaccharide mixture (Immune-Assist) should be considered as an adjunct to conventional hepatitis treatment.
In many countries where Lyme disease occurs there are available prescription drugs which act in conjunction with antibiotics to increase the curative potential of the antibiotic therapy. These drugs are generally polysaccharide based such as Lentinan (from shiitake mushrooms) and Polyactin A (also known as alpha-glucomannan). While these drugs are not currently used in the United States, there are a number of dietary supplements available that may have the same effect. Aloha Medicinals, Inc., has done research for several years on the use of immuno-modulators as dietary supplements for concommitant use in difficult to treat diseases such as Lyme. This was an offshoot from the tracking of results obtained from the use of their original Immune-Assist™ product, a condition specific dietary supplement intended for use by cancer patients while undergoing conventional treatment. Although originally intended as a cancer treatment enhancer, the mode of action is strictly immuno-modulatory, and led to the development of their second generation of Immunomodulatory supplements. In particular,Immune-Assist™ Daily Formula has shown effectivness for supplementing the immune system while undergoing treatment for Lyme disease as well as several other difficult to treat diseases such as hepatitis and AIDS. It seems logical that this approach may be especially useful in the hard-to-treat, later stages of CNS lyme. This is probably because the immune stimulation response it provides is not limited by the blood/brain barrier, as are conventional antibiotics. It seems that immunomodulator supplements may act as enhancements for the antibiotics usually used for Lyme treatment, increasing their effectivness.
Owing to its tremendous immune enhancing effects, Immune-Assist™ is likely to be of significant benefit to individuals suffering from a wide range of conditions.  Impaired immunity is a result of a wide range of poor lifestyle habits including high stress levels, exposure to high levels of toxins, and poor nutritional status.  As such individuals in the following categories could also benefit from Immune Assist™:
 Individuals who constantly work with paint (artists, house painters, etc)
 Chemical and refinery workers and others exposed to heavy doses of toxic chemicals
 Heavy smokers
 Heavy drinkers
 Individuals with gum disease
 Individuals with peptic ulcers
 Individuals with prostate infections
 Individuals with chronic fatigue syndrome
 Individuals with diabetes
 Individuals with heart disease
 Individuals experiencing autoimmune deficiencies (multiple sclerosis, lupus, rheumatoid arthritis)
 Individuals with recurrent infections, such as colds, flu, yeast, and parasites
 Individuals whose families exhibit a significant history of cancer
 Individuals with slow healing wounds
The dosages used in studies are scientifically based on repeated NK cell activity tests. As such, they are consistent and easy to follow. They fall into two types:
1) For cancer, HIV or other life-threatening condition, take 3 grams per day for two-to-four weeks, then 1 gram per day until the problem is resolved.  Some people continue to take the maintenance dosage even after the problem has been resolved, while others stop taking it and resume if the problem returns.  In rare cases taking as much as 6 grams daily was necessary.
2) As a form of prevention take 1 gram per day.
In all of the studies, it has been found that taking 3 grams a day resulted in a dramatic increase in NK cell activity within one to two weeks. At the lower dosage of only 1 gram per day, the same activity wasn’t reached until about four weeks. Thus, the initial heavy doses of 3 grams per day.  Even after the dosage is dropped back to 1 gram per day, NK cell activity will continue to increase.  It is best to take the Immune-Assist™ capsules with meals in divided doses.  For example, when taking 3 grams a day (which works out to 6 500 mg capsules), 2 capsules can be taken with each meal. When you reduce the dosage down to 1 gram a day (2 capsules), you can take one capsule at breakfast and one at dinner.
1) Healing Mushrooms by Dr. Georges Halpern, MD, PhD., 2007
Perhaps the most useful book currently available on Medicinal Mushrooms:
Mushrooms have been used as medicines by humans for 5,000 years or more. As you will see, many mushrooms have properties that can improve your health and well-being. This book presents the fascinating story of eight healing mushrooms: maitake, reishi, shiitake,Cordyceps sinensis, Agaricus blazei, Phellinus linteus, Trametes versicolor, and Hericium erinaceus, as well as recent findings on additional mushrooms. It explains how ancient peoples used these mushrooms and the promise they bring for healing and preventing illness in the modern world. This book presents the latest scientific and clinical research, describes the most up-to-date experiments, and conjectures about mushrooms and their power to heal.
Acknowledgments, v
1. An Introduction to Healing Mushrooms, 1
2. Mushrooms—East and West, 9
3. The Healing Power of Mushrooms, 19
4. Maitake, 35
5. Shiitake, 47
6. Reishi, 55
7. Cordyceps sinensis, 65
8. Agaricus blazei, 87
9. Phellinus linteus, 95
10. Trametes versicolor, 99
11. Hericium erinaceus, 107
12. Miscellaneous Mushrooms, 113
13. Mushroom Cultivation, 121
14. A Buyer’s Guide to Mushrooms, 127
Conclusion, 135
Resources, 137
Mushroom Recipes, 145
References, 157
Index, 177
2) Medicinal Mushrooms: their Therapeutic Properties and Current Medical Usage with Special Emphasis on Cancer Treatments. 2001
Authors: JOHN E SMITH BSc MSc PhD DSc FIBiol FRSE Emeritus Professor of Applied Microbiology, University of Strathclyde Chief Scientific Officer, MycoBiotech Ltd, Singapore
NEIL J ROWAN BSc MSc PhD MIBiol MIFST Lecturer, Department of Bioscience, University of Strathclyde
RICHARD SULLIVAN BSc MD PhD Head of Clinical Programmes, Cancer Research UK
Many of the currently available anti-cancer agents are derived form natural products, for instance paclitaxel (Taxol), and camptothecin (Hycamtin) amongst many others. In 2000 Professor Gordon McVie, Director-General of the Cancer Research Campaign (now Cancer Research UK) and Professor John Smith of University of Strathclyde met in Glasgow to discuss the role of medicinal mushrooms in the treatment of cancer. The CRC had become aware that these natural products were being used extensively in the Far East as nutriceuticals (dietary supplements) and as a source for the generation of pharmaceutical-grade medicines to treat a wide variety of diseases, including cancer. The substantial range of medicinal mushroom species from which different bioactive compounds can be derived suggested that the humble mushroom could be a source of novel anti-cancer agents.
This monograph is a comprehensive overview of this subject from the technology of cultivation, extraction and chemistry of medicinal mushroom bioactive compounds to the clinical evidence that suggests an important therapeutic role in cancer, and other major diseases.
The monograph is available for download on a chapter by chapter basis as PDF documents. If you don’t have a copy of Adobe Acrobat, you can download a copy from their website If you are having difficulty downloading the monograph – some of the sections are quite large due to high quality images – please contact Cancer Research UK via the email or phone details listed below to obtain a CD copy.
Executive Summary (33KB)
Front page (13KB)
Preamble (16KB)
Index (9KB)
Chapter 1 – Introduction (37KB)
Chapter 2 – Nature of fungi with special emphasis on mushrooms (1,451KB)
Chapter 3 – Medicinally important mushroom
Part A (1.61MB)
Part B (1.68MB)
Part C (1.8MB)
Part D (3.1MB)
Chapter 4 – Technology of mushroom cultivation (339KB)
Chapter 5 – Extraction, development and chemistry of anti-cancer compounds from medicinal mushrooms (400KB)
Chapter 6 – Immunomodulatory activities of mushroom glucans and polysaccharide-protein complexes in animals and humans (217KB)
Chapter 7 – The role of polysaccarides derived from medicinal mushrooms in cancer (134KB)
Chapter 8 – Additional medicinal properties (85KB)
Chapter 9 – Regulatory and safety criteria for functional foods and dietary supplements and pharmaceutical medicines; the role for medicinal mushrooms (68KB)
Chapter 10 – Conclusions (50KB)
Appendix 1 (604KB)
Appendix 2 (13KB)
Appendix 3 (18KB)
Biographies (10KB)
Acknowledgements (7KB)
3) Anti-Cancer Properties: A peer-reviewed article by Dr. Solomon Wasser of University of Haifa, Israel : Medicinal mushrooms as a source of antitumor and immunomodulating polysaccharides  (PDF 269 kb)
Prepared by
Health Products Distributors, Inc.
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Oracle, AZ  85623

Fitochelatina, Candida albicans e metalli pesanti

Fitochelatina, Candida albicans e metalli pesanti.


Le fitochelatine sono polipeptidi intracellulari prodotti da piante e alghe in risposta a un eccessivo assorbimento di metalli pesanti.


Struttura generale di una fitochelatina

Le fitochelatine (in lingua inglese: Phytochelatin; abbreviate in PCn) sono proteine citoplasmatiche a basso peso molecolare ricche in cisteinaappartenenti alla III classe della famiglia delle metallotioneine[1]. Sono oligopeptidi costituiti da (y-glutammilcisteinil)nglicina, dove n sta per un numero variabile di ripetizioni del dìpeptide y-glutammil-cisteina; tali ripetizioni, da 2 a 11 (da PC2 a PC11) sono più frequentemente da 2 a 5. I gruppi sulfidrilici (o tiolici) -SH della cisteina permettono la chelazione dei metalli pesanti e ne prevengono quindi l’interazione con i componenti cellulari. Le fitochelatine possono infatti formare complessi molecolari con vari metalli pesanti i quali non possono esercitare effetti tossici perché sottratti alla libera circolazione all’interno del citoplasma cellulare[2]. Nel caso del cadmio i complessi del metallo con le fitochelatine possono variare da 1800 a 8000 dalton[3].


Le fitochelatine si rinvengono nelle piante, nei funghi, e in tutti i gruppi di alghe tra cui cianobatteri e licheni. La sintesi delle fitochelatine avviene direttamente a partire dal glutatione oppure da un’altra fitochelatina a più basso grado di polimerizzazione per mezzo dell’enzima Glutatione gamma-glutammilcisteiniltransferasi.[4] Tali organismi, a differenza degli animali, traggono nutrienti (per esempio,rame e zinco) e metalli potenzialmente tossici (per es. cadmio, piombo o mercurio) dall’ambiente acquatico o terrestre. Leconcentrazioni di questi elementi, sia quelli essenziali che i non essenziali, possono variare per cause naturali o antropiche. È pertanto importante per le piante, che non possono allontanarsi di fronte a concentrazioni ambientali tossiche di questi elementi, possedere meccanismi che ne mantengano le concentrazioni entro limiti di sicurezza; la sintesi delle fitochelatine è attivabile nell’arco di pochi minuti e costituisce pertanto un’importante risposta fisiologica per il mantenimento dell’omeostasi cellulare e per la detossificazione[5].


Gli effetti delle fitochelatine vennero scoperti nel 1973 da Paolo Pelosi e collaboratori dell’Università di Pisa i quali quali osservarono un aumento degli aminoacidi acido glutammico, cisteina e glicina nelle piante di tabacco esposte a concentrazioni elevate di mercurio metallico[6]. Le ricerche, pubblicate su riviste minori, non ebbero l’eco che avrebbero meritato. Nel 1979 fu scoperto l’enzima Glutatione gamma-glutammilcisteiniltransferasi[7]. Nel 1981 le fitochelatine furono rinvenute nel lievito di fissione[8][9] e vennero chiamateCadistine[10]. Nel 1985 Erwin Grill e collaboratori dell’Università di Monaco di Baviera dimostrarono che i tre aminoacidi erano utilizzati nelle cellule vegetali in risposta allo stress da cadmio e altri metalli pesanti già pochi minuti dopo l’esposizione[11]. Il nome «fitochelatine» (dal greco Φυτόν = pianta e χηλή = tenaglia) venne attribuito per sottolineare la loro origine vegetale e la capacità di chelare i metalli pesanti per sottrarli alla libera circolazione all’interno delle cellule al pari delle metallotioneine[12].


1. ^ Klaassen CD, Liu J, Diwan BA. «Metallothionein protection of cadmium toxicity». Toxicol Appl Pharmacol. 2009 Aug 1;238(3):215-20,PMID 19362100, PMCID PMC2740813 (Free Article)

2. ^ Sigel, A., Sigel, H., Sigel, R.K.O. (editords), Metallothioneins and Related Chelators. Metal Ions in Life Sciences, 5. Cambridge: RSC Publishing, 2009, ISBN 978-1-84755-899-2.

3. ^ Olena K. Vatamaniuk, Elizabeth A. Bucher, James T. Ward and Philip A. Rea (2001). «A new pathway for heavy metal detoxification in animals: phytochelatin synthase is required for cadmium tolerance in Caenorhabditis elegans». J. Biol. Chem. 276 (24): 20817. DOI:10.1074/jbc.C100152200.

4. ^ Ogawa S, Yoshidomi T, Yoshimura E. «Cadmium(II)-stimulated enzyme activation of Arabidopsis thaliana phytochelatin synthase 1», J Inorg Biochem. 2011 Jan;105(1):111-7, PMID 21134609

5. ^ Rauser WE. «Phytochelatins and related peptides. Structure, biosynthesis, and function». (Review) Plant Physiol. 1995 Dec;109(4):1141-9, 1, PMID 8539285 (Free article)

6. ^ Pelosi, P.; Galoppini, C. «Sulla natura dei composti mercurio-organici nelle foglie di tabacco». Atti Soc. Tosc. Sci. Nat. Ser. A (1973), 80, 215

7. ^ Shaw LM, Newman DA. «Hydrolysis of glutathione by human liver gamma-glutamyltransferase.» Clin Chem. 1979 Jan;25(1):75-9,PMID 32975 (Free article)

8. ^ Akira Murasugi, Chiaki Wada, and Yukimasa Hayashi (1981). “Cadmium-Binding Peptide Induced in Fission Yeast,Schizosaccharomyces pombe“. J. Biochem. 90, 1561-1564. PMID 7338524.

9. ^ Akira Murasugi, Chiaki Wada, and Yukimasa Hayashi (1981). «Purification and Unique Properties in UV and CD Spectra of Cd-Binding Peptide 1 from Scizosaccharomyces pombe». Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 103 1021-1028. PMID 7332570.

10. ^ Naoto Kondo, Kunio Imai, Minoru Isobe, Toshio Goto, Akira Murasugi, Chiaki Wada-Nakagawa, Yukimasa Hayashi (1984).«Cadystin A and B, Major Unit Peptides Comprising Cadmium Binding Peptides Induced in a Fission Yeast—-Separation, Revision of Structures and Synthesis». Tetrahedron Lett. 25 3869-3872. doi: 10.1016/S0040-4039(01)91190-6.

11. ^ Grill, E., Winnacker, E. L., & Zenk, M. H. (1985). «Phytochelatins: the principal heavy-metal complexing peptides of higher plants».Science, 230(4726): 674-676 (abstract).

12. ^ Grill E, Winnacker EL, Zenk MH. «Phytochelatins, a class of heavy-metal-binding peptides from plants, are functionally analogous to metallothioneins». Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A.’ 1987 Jan;84(2):439-43, PMID 16593801 (Free article)

Le micosi, in particolare quelle da Candida Albicans, sono emerse negli ultimi decenni come un rilevante problema sanitario di cui soffrono sempre più spesso adulti e bambini, in particolare, nei paesi industrializzati.
I lieviti da Candida fanno parte della normale flora microbica del tratto gastrointestinale, del cavo orale, dell’apparato urogenitale e della cute ma condizioni di disbiosi intestinale (alterazione della flora batterica) e di difese immunitarie deficitarie possono permettere a questi funghi di proliferare in modo patologico.
Tra le cause maggiormente conosciute della crescita anomala di Candida ci sono: i ripetuti trattamenti antibiotici e/o cortisonici, le terapie immunosoppressive, le diete squilibrate eccessivamente ricche di zuccheri raffinati, il diabete, l’uso della pillola anticoncezionale, ecc.
Poche persone sanno invece che l’intossicazione da metalli pesanti, derivanti dalle otturazioni dentali in amalgama e da altre possibili fonti, oltre ad essere una condizione molto diffusa, rappresenta una delle cause più frequenti di candidosi ricorrenti o croniche.
I funghi e i lieviti sono noti, infatti, per la loro capacità di legare metalli pesanti: per questo motivo vengono impiegati, sia a livello industriale che nelle miniere per legare argento, oro e altri metalli ed ottenere una buona estrazione.

Il Dott. Dietrich Klinghardt, esperto mondiale di intossicazioni da metalli pesanti e chelazione, afferma che: “il corpo è in grado di usare il lievito per combinare i metalli pesanti e renderli inattivi.
L’organismo preferisce la Candida ai metalli pesanti.”

Il Dott. Robert B. Johnson, che ha ripreso ed ampliato gli studi di Klinghardt aggiunge: “Molte volte, quando i metalli pesanti vengono rimossi e chelati dal corpo, il lievito si riduce notevolmente.
Alti livelli di lievito inducono meno danni alla salute rispetto ai metalli pesanti, per questo si ritiene che il corpo produca lieviti per proteggersi dalle tossine pericolose.”


Da quanto sopra, si evince che l’infezione da Candida è sintomo di un altro problema:
l’indebolimento del sistema immunitario. Per attuare un trattamento realmente efficace contro la Candida è necessario, anzitutto, identificare e rimuovere l’agente o gli agenti che hanno causato tale indebolimento progressivo, fattore che ha permesso alla Candida di proliferare in modo anomalo.
Come già detto, i metalli pesanti sono certamente i primi responsabili di una situazione di immunodepressione, cioè una minore capacità di difesa dei linfociti e macrofagi.
I trattamenti anti-candida suggeriti dalla medicina convenzionale si basano sull’uso di antimicotici e di antibiotici, i quali possono aggravare la situazione, poiché distruggono la flora batterica intestinale, esaurendo ulteriormente il sistema immunitario, senza peraltro andare all’origine del problema.
Un trattamento anticandida coerente e realmente efficace deve prendere in considerazione le cause della micosi oltreché i suoi effetti e per far ciò è necessario contemplare più aspetti: la detossificazione connettivale, la chelazione ed il drenaggio emuntoriale delle tossine, tra cui i metalli pesanti e la Candida.
Ovviamente sto parlando sempre ed esclusivamente di specifiche sostanze omeopatizzate, che per loro natura, hanno il potere di penetrare all’interno della membrana cellulare senza intasare ulteriormente gli organi emuntori (gli organi emuntori sono quelli che depurano l’organismo dagli scarti = fegato, reni, sistema linfatico, pelle, polmoni ed altri).
La detossificazione connettivale dà luogo ad una mobilizzazione massiccia delle tossine accumulate nei tessuti. Tra le tossine mobilizzate ci saranno, quantità più o meno importanti di metalli pesanti che devo essere tempestivamente chelate, ovvero, catturate da specifiche sostanze (dette chelanti) e rese inattive, altrimenti lungo il percorso di uscita potrebbero ridistribuirsi nei tessuti. Anche la Candida va mobilizzata per poi essere espulsa. Infine, con il drenaggio emuntoriale si provvederà a sbloccare o semplicemente a stimolare le vie di eliminazione dell’organismo: qualcosa di simile “all’apertura di un rubinetto”.

Fibromyalgia, Multiple Sclerosis, and Vitamin D Deficiency

Fibromyalgia, Multiple Sclerosis, and Vitamin D Deficiency


by Scott Grivas, M.D. and Bonnie Mattheus, R.N. Misdiagnosis of Fibromyalgia and Nonspecific Chronic Pain Dr. James Richardson noted in his editorial in the American Family Physician in Jan. 2005 that “Until Vitamin D deficiency is quite severe, adults who are deficient in vitamin D may have chronic pain and lower extremity weakness. Indeed, women who are deficient in Vitamin D often are misdiagnosed with fibromyalgia or even somatization syndromes.” Add to that what authority Michael Horlick wrote in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition in 2004, that “more than 90% of 150 (people) who presented with nonspecific muscle aches and bone aches and pains at a Minnesota hospital were found to be vitamin D deficient.” Bonnie Mattheus: My Story But when my story began, I didn’t know the facts above. It would have made me feel better mentally and have given direction to therapy, but I’m getting ahead of myself. Over a year ago I was having a medical visit with my doctor, Scott Grivas. He knew I had been struggling with what had been diagnosed as post-traumatic fibromyalgia, (in other words, after a whip lash injury, the doctor found I was “positive” for pain in 18 of the 18 trigger points used to identify “fibromyalgia”). I have forgotten why I had an appointment that day, but I know it wasn’t for the fibromyalgia. As he went over my symptoms, Dr. Grivas decided to do a test for vitamin D deficiency. Now I’m a nurse, and it was the end of summer. Nearly every day I worked outside in my acre of yard. I had also been ingesting two times the normal MDR (minimal daily requirement) of vitamin D in my multiple vitamin. So, I persuaded Dr. Grivas not to do the test since my risk was so minimal (and I don’t like needles.) Six months later, I had to visit my gynecologist who also focused on preventing and treating osteoporosis. She didn’t discuss, but simply ordered a blood draw; among the tests she ordered was a vitamin D level. To my surprise, when I went back in for the results, she found that I was vitamin D deficient and started me on an aggressive supplementation program. Dr. Grivas had been right! I should have listened to him months earlier and had the test. What he knew, and what I had not thought of, was my older age(which reduces skin efficiency in producing vitamin D). In addition, I live in the northern hemisphere where U.V. sun rays are not very available for large portions of the year.With vitamin D supplementation, my “fibromyalgia” has not completely disappeared, but my pain level has gone down so much I rarely notice it any more. What’s strange is that my allergies are also much less problematic now too. Dr. Grivas’ Turn I recall a couple of rather dramatic cases. A middle aged lady came to me complaining of miserable body aches and pains, with no apparent reason. She had been diagnosed with fibromyalgia. We just couldn’t identify the problem. She could barely get around, and her movement was difficult, with diffuse musculoskeletal aches. I had blood drawn for a vitamin D level test. When the results came back, she had so little that it was almost non-detectable. I supplemented her with an oral vegetable based vitamin D. Her relief was remarkable. Suddenly life took on a whole new meaning for her. A second interesting case was a middle aged female with Multiple Sclerosis who came to see me complaining of weakness, numbness, and tingling of her right arm. After lab evaluation, she was discovered to have coincidental vitamin D deficiency. After vitamin D supplemental therapy, hydrotherapy, and anti-inflammatory herbal agents, she dramatically improved in neuromuscular function. Does she still have M.S.? Yes, but she is so very much better. (Having one diagnosis does not protect us from other diseases or nutritional deficiencies. In fact, it may predispose us to them.) This is particularly true with vitamin D deficiency. As a person becomes sicker, the tendency is to stay indoors. That is when what you really need is to get outdoors into the sunshine. Scott Grevis is the Medical Director for Wildwood Lifestyle Center and Hospital, Wildwood, Georgia. He not only sees patients but is active in teaching physicians in America and around the world . Bonnie Mattheus, a RN, adjunct faculty member of Southern Adventist Univeristy, and president of Bon Herbals and Wonderful Things, Inc. writes from Collegedale, Tennessee. Vitamin D Deficiencies: a New Pandemic Part II by Scott Grivas, M.D. and Bonnie Gibson Mattheus, R.N. Recap and intro: In the first part of this article, vitamin D was noted to be a hormone and not a vitamin at all. Researchers currently find vitamin D deficiency around the world in 20-100% of the population. This is markedly related to where the study was conducted and how much sun gets through at that latitude. Vitamin D is essential for the absorption of calcium, which is, itself, indispensable for nerve and muscle function. Therefore, severe vitamin D deficiency may be associated with osteoporosis and a variety of musculoskeletal (muscle and bone) complaints. Today, many physicians are testing patients suffering with chronic musculoskeletal pain for vitamin D deficiency and are often finding that this is a contributing factor to the pain. For example, “fibromyalgia” and “chronic fatigue syndrome” are often associated with vitamin D deficiency and may improve with sunshine and vitamin D supplementation. Who are the people most at risk for developing Vitamin D deficiency: • The fastest growing population group in America: The elderly. The skin loses its ability to synthesize vitamin D by as much as 75% by age 70, Michael Holick reported in 2004. Home bound older adults are particularly at risk, says James Richardson (2005). • The chronically ill. As soon as people get sick, they tend to crawl into bed and stay indoors. “Every patient should be taken out-of-doors daily if there is any way possible,” Dr Grivas says. “Get them out-of-doors in the sunshine and fresh air, the true physicians.” • Malnutrition. Malnutrition caused by inadequate dietary intake of nutrients, inflammatory diseases of the small bowel or pancreas, resection of the bowel, or by-pass procedures may result in significant deficiencies of calcium and vitamin D. • The obese. This is also a group that is growing rapidly in America. The CDC recognizes obesity as a national epidemic and a major health concern. Vitamin D is a fat soluble substance that is accumulated in the large body fat stores making it unavailable for easy utilization. • Anyone with limited sunlight exposure: Clothing, sunscreen usage, staying indoors for work and leisure, glass shielding or living above or below the 37 degree latitude either north or south have reduced penetration of the U.V. ray. These all have their effect in limiting sunlight activation of vitamin D precursors in the skin, thus contributing to vitamin D deficiency. (Holick, 2006). • Persons with darkly pigmented skin require 3-6 times more sun exposure than fair skinned persons. Michael Holick noted that the person most at risk was the older female, of African-American descent, at the end of winter, particularly if they stay mostly indoors. In the American Family Physician, January 2005, James Richardson, M.D., M.P.H., chief of geriatric medicine at Union Memorial Hospital, said up to 84% of elderly black females are found to be Vitamin D deficient. • Persons with a history of kidney or liver disease are at increased risk for vitamin D deficiency because both of these organs play a critical role its manufacture. • Those using certain medications such as anticonvulsants (like Dilantin and Phenobarbital), corticosteroids (like Prednisone and Cortisone), Rifampin (a bactericidal, anti- tubercular drug.) Now go back and count how many of these factors apply to you. Any one is a major factor, but if you have several factors, your risk for vitamin D deficiency is multiplied. Other diseases related to vitamin D deficiency: M.F. Holick, PhD, M.D., one of many authors who contributed to the second edition of the Encyclopedia of Human Nutrition, wrote “Essentially every cell and organ in the body requires vitamin D, i.e., they all have a VDR ( a vitamin D receptor).” And that gives us an explanation as to all the other things that research is learning about this amazing essential hormone. In 2006, Holick reviewed 264 published research findings in the Mayo Clinic Proceedings. He concluded that adequate vitamin D levels aide in preventing cancer. That is interesting, as the elderly have the greatest risk of vitamin D deficiency and the highest risk of cancer. Vitamin D deficiency is related to an increased risk of hypertension, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, psoriasis, and multiple sclerosis. Interestingly, increased risk for multiple sclerosis is also related to a lack of vitamin D during childhood. (5) Apparently adequate sunshine in childhood is protective against this disease which currently has no cure.Vitamin D deficiency is implicated in rheumatoid arthritis, inflammatory bowel disease, systemic lupus erythematosus, osteoarthritis, and periodontal disease. Who would have guessed? But then Holick did say that it was related to “every cell in the body.” How is vitamin D measured? A laboratory test done on the blood can measure the amounts of available vitamin D in the body. Usually it will measure the vitamin D2 and the vitamin D3 to give a combined result of total vitamin D in the blood. Old standards of interpretation considered anything from 20-100 ng/mL was normal. Newer standards are suggesting that a score below 32 is a deficiency, and as always, going for the middle of the range is a good target goal.Dr. Grivas recommends the 40-50 range as a target. Stay in the middle of the road. What can be done about vitamin D deficiency or insufficiency? Sunshine. No doctor’s order is required for the simplest, cheapest solution of all. Get out into the sunshine every day that you can. This will meet the needs of most people. How much sunshine do you need? The old recommendations suggested exposure of the hands and face for ten to fifteen minutes a day. Researchers now suggest that is less than adequate. Michael Holick in 2006 compiled multiple findings and concluded that the arms and legs need to be exposed to sunshine, not just the face and hands. Remember when the skin produces what we need, increased sun exposure does not create Vitamin D toxicity, though sun burn is a risk and should be avoided. Mrs. E. G. White, a health reformer in her day, said over a hundred years ago, “If all our workers were so situated that they could spend a few hours each day in outdoor labor, and felt free to do this, it would be a blessing to them; they would be able to discharge more successfully the duties of their calling. If they have not time for complete relaxation, they could be planning and praying while at work with their hands, and could return to their labor refreshed in body and spirit.” {Gospel Workers, p 240.2} While this applies to vitamin D production, it also applies to much broader beneficial effects of sunshine and time spent out of doors. Nutrition, what you eat, can also be a non-prescription source of vitamin D. However, Dr. Holick noted that very few foods contain Vitamin D naturally. Oily fish such as salmon contains 400 IU per 3.5 oz, cod liver oil 400 IU/teaspoon; and mackerel and sardines have long been recognized as a source of vitamin D. The use of fish products carries its own risk of increased incidence of disease. Irradiated mushrooms are considered a good source. There are some foods fortified with vitamin D. This includes milk, some orange juice, some breads and cereals. Egg yolks have 20 IU (plus cholesterol). Fortified milk has 100 IU per 8 ounces. Some yogurts contain 100 IU per serving. With the increase in BSE (Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy), also called “mad cow” disease, and its counterpart in the human, CJD (Variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease,) many people feel this dairy source for vitamin D poses too great a risk. Read the labels on foods you buy. As a general rule, dietary availability of this hormone is limited in foods. Further, the labels do not always say which form of vitamin D has been added. Supplementation and prescription vitamin D can be used. We suggest that the source be considered when choosing to use supplements. While vitamin D2 (ergocalciferol) and Vit D3 (cholecalciferol) both lead to increased blood levels of vitamin D, Dr. Grivas recommends the plant-derived vitamin D2 as being the safer product with decreased risk of animal-carried disease. There is some evidence that D3 in the same doses increases 25(OH) Vitamin D (calcidiol) more than D2. However, Dr. Grivas does not feel that the difference is great enough to warrant going to an animal based vitamin D. Linus Pauling Institute at Oregon State University at may be of interest if you want to check things out for yourself. It has 100 of the top research articles and is recently updated. How Much? In 2005, Holick felt there was consensus that the range of need for vitamin D was still estimated as 200 IU for infants under 6 months of age up to 600 IU for persons over 70 years of age (average of 400 I.U., regardless of age). He felt that sunshine should be the first thing to try, not oral supplementation. Vitamin D toxicity Vitamin D is considered to be fat soluble and fat stored, creating a potential for toxicity. Toxicity has only been observed when dietary or supplemental intake exceeded daily doses of 5,000 IU over several months, Holick said. Doses of 4000 IU per day for 3 months and 50,000 IU per week for 2 months have been administered without toxicity. Excessive amounts of vitamin D can cause hypercalcemia and hypercalciuria with an increased risk of kidney stones and soft tissue calcification. And again, remember that sunshine produced vitamin D does NOT result in toxicity. 12-9-09 (latest update) The amount of supplementation needed is the object of much research and the amounts that are recommended keep rising. It is an issue of much debate. Today, Dr. Grivas says that you can safely take 2,000 IU every day year round without a doctor to supervise. Many researchers are calling for the MDR (minimal daily requirement) to be raised to 5,000 IU of vitamin D daily. Dr. Grivas feels that if you need to use the higher dosages, that for the sake of safety, a knowledgeable physician should periodically check the blood level of vitamin D and adjust the amounts. Naturally we need more in the winter months in the Northern hemisphere. Look at a map of the United States. Find Atlanta, Georgia. If you live further north than Atlanta, the essential UV rays can’t get to you in winter because of the tilt of the earth. Smog and clouds may also interfere with UV penetration of the atmosphere. Increased clothing for warmth, obviously also covers the skin so that it cannot receive the sunshine and convert cholesterol into vitamin D. In Summary: 1. Vitamin D deficiency is in the differential diagnosis list (you ought to check for it) for persons presenting with diffuse musculoskeletal pain and/or weakness, including a diagnosis of fibromyalgia & chronic fatigue syndrome. 2. Vitamin D deficiency must be suspected in any patient with osteopenia, osteoporosis or bone fragility, in hospitalized patients, and those who are chronically ill. High risk groups include the elderly, those working primarily indoors, and those who are dark-skinned. 3. If you have increased risk for vitamin D deficiency, your doctor can order a blood level to check. 4. Sunshine is the cheapest and usually best method of treatment, as it does not create toxicity. 5. Being outside to get the sunshine has many additional beneficial side effects related to mood and general health. The wise man said “Truly the Light is sweet, and a pleasant thing it is for the eyes to behold the sun” Ecclesiastes 11:7 When you can, go enjoy it.

Griffonia simplicifolia

Griffonia simplicifolia


La Griffonia simplicifolia ha controindicazioni ed effetti collaterali? La Griffonia simplicifolia è una pianta dal robusto legnoso, si sviluppa come un arbusto rampicante e cresce fino a circa 3 m con fiori verdastri i cui frutti sono dei baccelli rigonfi dal colore nero. La Griffonia ha come habitat principale l’Africa centrale e occidentale, in modo specifico la Costa d’Avorio ed il Ghana, dove si trova soprattutto nelle macchie, di solito accanto a cumuli di tane di Macroterme, una specie di termite che riesce a sopravvivere come parassita in pianura, nei boschi, anche nelle vegetazioni poco sviluppate e nelle fattorie locali. Griffonia simplicifolia Nome botanico: Griffonia simplicifolia Nome comune: Griffonia Principi attivi della grifonia simplicifolia Principi attivi: 5-idrossitriptofano, (5-HTP); lectina i-b4 Proprietà ed effetti benefici della griffonia simplicifolia: La Griffonia simplicifolia è una fonte naturale di 5HTP (idrossitriptofano), un acido amminico che riesce a migliorare l’assorbimento di triptofano, un diretto precursore della serotonina. È già stato usato in precedenza, in aggiunta alle cure mediche, per curare la depressione e la fibromialgia. Inoltre, è comunemente utilizzata per eliminare l’insonnia, l’emicrania e nelle diete che prevedono la perdita di peso. È stato dimostrato che riduce sensibilmente il dolore e l’ansia provocate dalla fibromialgia e gli ultimi studi condotti su soggetti che soffrono di depressione in modo leggero offrono risultati confortanti. La Griffonia simplicifolia in erboristeria sia in capsule che compresse La Griffonia simplicifolia si trova in erboristeria sotto forma di capsule e compresse in prodotti appositi per coadiuvare varie problematiche. Alcune persone lo assumono anche per contrastare il disturbo da deficit di attenzione. Effetti collaterali indesiderati: Gli integratori di griffonia simplicifolia però possono anche comportare degli effetti collaterali indesiderati. Da premettere che molti molti degli effetti collaterali di 5-HTP sono di lieve entità, tra questi: meteorismo, nausea, bruciore di stomaco e sensazione di pienezza. Possono anche causare crampi allo stomaco o la diminuzione del desiderio sessuale, se si prendono dosi superiori ai 70 mg. Eventuali controindicazioni griffonia simplicifolia: Bisogna assumere la Griffonia Simplicifolia con cautela e meglio se ci si consulta con il proprio medico. Quello che si richiede è un minimo di attenzione quando si usa il prodotto perché è così nuovo che si conosce ancora poco sui possibili e potenziali rischi. Comunque si conducono ogni giorno ricerche atte a stabilire le potenzialità di un prodotto, e la Griffonia Simplicifolia è anch’essa oggetto di studio. Qualche risultato è stato raggiunto, dato che adesso siamo in grado di descrivere alcuni svantaggi che si possono ereditare utilizzando l’estratto di semi di Griffonia. Molti prodotti che contengono estratto di semi di Griffonia Simplicifolia contengono caffeina, quindi l’uso è sconsigliato verso coloro che ne sono sensibili perché possono verificarsi effetti collaterali come l’insonnia e tremori muscolari. Anche i soggetti che assumono IMAO, SSRI, antidepressivi pesanti, FANS, corticosteroidi o farmaci simili possono non essere in grado di consumare prodotti aventi questo ingrediente. Rientrano nella categoria anche coloro che soffrono di diabete, ipoglicemia, ipertensione e malattie cardiovascolari. Le donne che sono incinte o che allattano possono non essere in grado di utilizzare i prodotti con questo ingrediente. Mentre coloro che lo assumono principalmente per dimagrire devono fare attenzione poiché questo ingrediente può causare diversi effetti collaterali negativi, come bruciore di stomaco e nausea. Inoltre non consigliamo il consumo di alcol se si è assunto estratto di semi di Griffonia Simplicifolia. L’ultimo consiglio indirizzato a coloro che si sono prefissati la perdita di peso è quello di associare una dieta sana e programma fisso di esercizi fisici. Solo così si potranno raggiungere ottimi e soddisfacenti risultati.